2. No help to math broblems

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Yellow! How's it going? I finally got another part ready!! It's a bit shorter though because I wanted to put the certain end in it so ENJOY!

Jack felt the warm, strong hands caressing his lower back and the calm breathing next to his ear. His stomach was full of wonder and his mind floated somewhere between the cloud castle and red rose petal -land. The sweet sway of the music moving the two on side to side. They were both quietly feeling the music and enjoying the moment. Jack looked up at Mark's smiling face. He smiled back, reaching up to kiss him on the lips softly. He felt the soft caring lips respond lovingly to his kiss. He closed his eyes and felt Mark's hand pull him closer, closing the gap netween their bodies. Until they parted and Jack nuzzled to Mark's chest happily. He heard his calm heartbeats and relaxing breathing.

A skreak of the couch woke Mark up from nothing more than his new favorite dream. He watched Jack make his way to the bathroom. The green haired man leaned to the sink. What the fuck was that dream!? Why did I...? Dancing with... No- wh- I... yes? Brain what? Just a dream... Just a dream... Jack turned on the water and waited for a cold water to fill his glass. Feeling the cold water run through his chest refreshing him, he exhaled relieved. He didn't hate the dream but it was odd. Ahhh... Much better... He walked back to the soft couch, laying down and closing his eyes. He sighed and fell asleep immediately.

The warm scent of bacon, eggs and coffee made it's way to Jack's nose, gently waking him up. He opened his eyes to the bright morning sun. He inhaled the sweet scent of breakfast and finally when his brains started to function he realised that Bacon... Bacon! BAAACOONNN!! He threw the blanket off and literally ran to the kitchen, seeing the surprised Mark next to the stove. "Bacon?" Jack was like a little puppy. So excited and happy to see the strips of bacon getting ready for him to devour. "Uuu! I'm so hungry!!" He popped his head over the chuckling Mark's shoulder drooling at the meat sizzling in front of him. "It's almost ready." Mark said smiling and finally turning off the stove he set the strips of bacon on a plate. He took the plate setting it on the table and sat down opposite to Jack. He almost saw how Jack's eyes sparkled at the thought of food. "Dig in" Mark chuckled at the food devouring little thing in front of him. He's still so cute, damn... I just wanna- No, I gotta calm down... Mark took a strip of bacon quickly before Jack ate them all. And watching as Jack was all focused to the food in front of him Mark ate his breakfast without noticing to enjoy it.

The morning went by and they played more games until Jack's phone rang. "Hello. But- alright fine... Yesyes, bye." Jack closed the call and sighed. "I gotta go. Me dad needs me ta help him carry some new furniture ta his sister's apartment or something... So... I guess we'll see on monday?" Mark nodded and exited the game. "Okay, yea see you then!" They waved goodbyes at the door after Jack had packed his stuff. Aw maan... Nah well I'll see him on monday anyway... Quite the same thoughts streamed on both of the boys' heads.

The rest of the saturday was over and sunday went by rather quickly. Jack's sunday contained mostly games, food and Netflix plus some random homeworks. New message had appeared on Jack's screen. He grabbed the phone.

M: Hey look at this! It's kinda like you yesterday morning lol [link to a gif of a cute puppy jumping happily in front of the camera]

Jack blushed and then questioned why he blushed but typed in an answer.

J: And this is you [link to a gif of a cat looking at a bag of catnip with huge eyes]

M: :3

Did I really look at him like that... And he noticed? He felt the warmth creep up his cheeks and his face turned pink.

[Jack left]

On monday morning Jack woke up energized and happy to see math in his schedule for today. He left, heading to school relaxed and excited. He was, for once, early and had time to walk calmly in the classroom. He sat down on his place in the math class and glanced to the door every once in a while, waiting eagerly. Every time people stepped in his eyes shot towards the door but there was no time when his smile could explode on his face when seeing Mark. He didn't come to the class at all. I wonder is he okay... He's not the kind of person to skip classes... I think... Jack worried over him the whole class and it went by without him actually focusing on the topic. When the class ended he packed his books and left the classroom.

His mind was bugged and he wasn't paying any attention to what was happening around him. He took out his phone to ask Mark where he was. A bigger shoulder met his face not-so-softly and he woke up from his thoughts rubbing his nose which was now invaded by pain. "Oh! Sorry..." He looked up, meeting with a pair of smiling eyes on a bigger guy. "It's alright. That happens." A skinnier and taller guy's head appeared behind the guy Jack ran into. "Hey. Aren't you Jack? The one Mark's tutoring, right?" Jack nodded slowly. "He talks about you a lot. I'm Wade, this is Bob." He shaked both of their hands slightly blushing. Does Mark talk about me to his friends...? "Nice to meet ya! I assume ye're his friends... Have ya seen him today?"

"He apparently didn't tell you but he's sick."

"Oh... I hope it's not bad... Anyway, thanks!" He waved at them and continued to his next class texting to Mark.

J: U sick? D:

...No answer in ten minutes

M: Yea... Sorry I was about to write u in the morning but I fell asleep XD

Jack chuckled.

J: Aww X3 I hope it's not bad...

M: Just some fever and a goddamn running nose >:/

J: ;__; Have u taken any music classes btw?

M: No but it'd be fun to have some...

J: We could try to take the same class! :D What would it be?

... No answer... Jack's class started. He was waiting for his phone to vibrate the whole class but unfortunately it didn't. The topic went over his head again and right after the class he checked Mark's status.

Markimoo: Online

What the hell happened...!? Ohhh... I hope he's okayy... The next class went by. Again Jack not focusing on anything beyond his thoughts of Mark. He checked again after the class but still nothing.

J: Mark? U better just be fallen asleep...

He was still online but not answering. After his last class he rushed outside and ran to Mark's place. He tried to ring his bell. No answer. He tried the door and it was open. Jack furrowed his eyebrows slowly opening the door. "M-Mark?" It was quiet. Only thing standing up to Jack's eye was the bathroom door open with lights on. He dropped his bag at the door and rushed to the bathroom. What the- ...oh my god!! "Mark!"

I hoep yuo enyoejd :3
It might tale a while when I get the next part ready so be patient. It will also be better if I don't rush and force it. I hope you understand! ^-^
It probs won't take too long so buhbyee!

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