meet Gina aka corky

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Ciao Ladies I'm Gina aka corky I am a butch lesbian I have a beautiful girlfriend of three years her name is Jennifer aka Tiffany she is amazing to me and I would do anything for her it was crazy how I met Jennifer she was a poker player and bartender at this club called double dice with her so called boyfriend Alex i never really liked him I thought he was a scumbag who really didn't deserve her to me she was a goddess of beauty her eyes said it all and I wanna get to know her more. So I see her come in to the club she was walking super fast I yelled her name Tiffany wait I say she hangs up her coat and start working I go sit at the bar I look at her face and I notice that she has been crying and not only that but a big red hand print on her face that she tried to hide with make up but I knew better so I asked her about it


Corky- hey tiffany
Tiffany- hey corky
Corky - aren't you supposed to be at home with Alex your boyfriend
Tiffany - I am but I wanted to come in and relieve some stress you know
Corky- mmhmm so why are you crying
Tiffany- oh it's nothing we just had a fight that's all
Corky- what's that mark on your face
Tiffany- um.. What mark
Corky- the one on your face
Tiffany- oh it's nothing
Corky- is he hitting on you violet tell me yells tiffany tell me the true is
He hurting you
Tiffany - cries and shakes her head yes he is
Corky - I knew it imma go beat his ass Tiffany. Get your coat we going to your place OK
I watch from behind as she gets her coat damn she hot I mumble we get in my truck I start up the engine and speed off we get to the apartment tiffany gets out of the car with me as I hold her hand we take the elevator up to the room and I bust open the door and look for Alex I tell Tiffany to pack her stuff up I find Alex and I hit him
Punching him in his nose he swung at me two or three times I looked at him he had a bloody nose and swung again putting him against the wall
Corky- you selfish bastard don't ever put your hands on a woman never I split in his face and before that tiffany kicked him in the balls and said you piece of shit and we walked out together

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