Halfa Dog

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Chapter 1: The Halfa Dog

Danny's P.O.V.

I have always wanted a dog, but my parents said I could get one when I'm older. Well now that I'm older I can't get one because of my powers. It would be hard to fight ghost, study, and take care of a dog.

But one day that changes. It all started one day when I was walking the street and my ghost sense went off. I ran into a nearby ally; when I went in there I saw this pure white German shepherd dog with bright blue eyes. I stared at her for a second then remembered the ghost. I turned away form the dog and went ghost then out of no way I hear a voice.

"Your just like me!" The voice said. I spun around only to find the white dog looking at me.

I looked around the ally to see who said that. I looked at the dog again and asked, "Did you hear something?" I wasn't expecting a reply.

"No." Said the dog. I looked at the dog for a long time trying to decide if I was going crazy or if this dog could really talk.

"Ok quick question am I going crazy or are you really talking to me. If you are really talking that would be awsome."

"No you aren't not going crazy I can really talk. You really think its not weird?" The dog asked with a hopeful look in its eye.

"We'll yeah it's kinda weird, but my whole life is weird I'm a 14 year old boy with ghost powers that fights ghost everyday. This is nothing compared to my everyday life." I thought for a minute before another question came to me, "One more question though, how can you talk are you a ghost?"

The dog thought for a minute, "Like I said before your just like me I have powers to and the more think about it I'm pretty sure there ghost powers. I can also change froms." She explained.

"Wait are you saying that there is such thing as a halfa dog?" I asked my excitement building.

"Well I guess so." She said.

"Yes, what's your name?" I asked I was exited because if she didn't have a home I would gladly take her.

The dog looked down and sighed, "I don't have a name anymore my owners kicked me out after they found out about my powers they said it was creepy. I've been on the streets ever since."

I felt bad for her she lived my worst nightmare and now she doesn't have a home. "Well lets see if we can't change that. I've always wanted a dog but I never was able to get one because of my responsibilities of protecting the town from ghost and studying, but if that dog were to be a talking dog with ghost powers that needs a home that would work out perfectly wouldn't you say so?" I not subtly suggested.

She looked up at me and stared for a second then jumped up and tackled me licking my face, "Thank you, thank you." She said in between licks.

When she finally got off me I got up on my elbows and rubbed the top of her head, "what should your name be... how


"I love it." She paused for a second then said, "what's your name?"

"Oh yeah I totally forgot, my names Danny." I said.

Delilah stuck out her paw and said, "Well Danny it's very nice to meet you."

I took her paw and shook it and said, "It's very nice to meet you to Delilah. Do u want to fly home or walk?"

She thought for a moment then answered by transforming into a pure black dog with the same glowing green eyes as my ghost form. We flew home and landed into the ally next to my house.

"Well here we are lets go meet my parents." I say as I transformed into my human half. I then remembered something important,"Oh yeah I almost forgot they don't know I half ghost so you should probably not talk in front of them."

Delilah nodded and transformed back into the white dog and we walked up the steps and opened the door.

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