The Parents

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Chapter 2: The Parents

Danny's P.O.V.

When I opened the door I was greeted with the usual sight, Jazz sitting at the table reading, mom fixing one of dads inventions, and dad raiding the fridge.

Delilah followed me into the kitchen and Jazz was the first to notice us.

"Aww where did you find that dog? He so cute." Jazz asked. I could tell Delilah didn't like being called a boy.

"I found HER in a ally and she followed me home. I named her Delilah. Can I keep her? Please." I gave my parents the best puppy dog eyes and I saw Delilah do the same thing.

Mom looked at us, I could tell she was thinking. Then finally answered, "Well we did tell you could have one when you were older, so I guess you can keep her. If you promise none of us has to clean up any messes she makes."

I ran to my mom and gave her a big hug. "Thanks mom your the best. We're going up to my room, Jazz can I talk to you for a minute?"

Jazz gave me a confused look before answering, "Ok."

She got up and followed me up to my room. We got there before Jazz came in, and I told Delilah that Jazz knew my secret and she just nodded.

When Jazz walked into the room she just looked at me expectantly, but before I could say anything Delilah had an idea.

"You know I don't really appreciate being called a boy." She said I was amused at my sisters face. It was a mix of shock and disbelief.

It took about five minutes for Jazz to say something, "Danny did your dog just talk?"

I rolled my eyes at and Delilah did the same, "Yes she can talk, she can also change forms, fly, and I have no idea what else." I sat down on my bed and Delilah did the same and rested her head in my lap as I petted her head.

Jazz watched me for a second contemplating if she was dreaming but decided against it. "Ok so when you say change forms, what do you mean? Is she a shape shifter?" Delilah looked up at me silently asking if it was ok to explain to her. I nodded and she begin.

"I'm not a shape shifter I'm a halfa dog, well at lest that's what Danny said. I was kicked out if my old home when my owner found out about my powers and he said that they were creepy. I was living on the streets until Danny ran into the ally I was staying in and transformed and I finally discovered I'm not only." When she finished she put her head back on my lap; I continued to pet her until another question came to mind.

Halfa dog (Danny Phantom)Where stories live. Discover now