Clinton Road

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"Considering we are in New Jersey you know where we should go?" George asked. "Where?" Hermione asked. "THE MOST HAUNTED ROAD IN AMERICA!" He said. "Oh jeez." I said. "It can't be that scary." I said. "Oh really? Fred tell him the tell of Clinton Road." He said. "Drivers here have said to have seen many creepy things there." He said. "Like?" I asked. "Strangely dressed wanderers, ghosts, evidence of Satanic Rituals, etcetera." He said. "What's Satanic Rituals?" Malfoy asked. "Ooo Malfoy doesn't know who Satan is?" George asked. "Satan is the most evil creature in the universe!" Fred said. "Mostly in muggle culture, Satan is known for betraying God." He said. "God is known making the whole universe happen." Fred said. "Satan fell down from heaven, losing his angel wings, and started his own colony of fallen angels. They're called demons and they cause havoc and destruction! Making things evil wherever they go. Possessing muggles and making them die." Fred said. "And people actually worship him! Creating Satanic Rituals by cutting a pigs head off or something! It makes you think doesn't it? The Satan in the wizarding world would be Voldemort himself and the fallen angel colony, or demons, would be the Death Eaters who follow." Fred said. "The followers of God, however, are angels." George said. Draco nodded and looked out the window. "There's supposedly a Ghost Boy who drives people to suicide here. Making you go under the water bridge." George said. "If there is good you know for a fact there is going to be bad." Ginny said. Draco kept looking out the window. He seemed a bit upset. Soon, we got to the road. "Ooo look at that." Ron said and pointed to a tree. The tree had a heart carved in with the letters H + D. I sighed and didn't think anything of it but Ron had a smirk and the Weasley twins snorted. The place was full of fog and trees with just a dirt road. The air felt cold. I looked around. I saw a silhouette. I looked away and looked at Draco. He seemed to be asleep. He woke up when I looked at him. He looked back at me. I smiled a bit, awkwardly. He looked away and so did I. My face went red and my heart beat fast. It was funny how he made my heart beat quick and the ghosts didn't. I looked out my window again, 5 silhouettes. I looked at Draco. He seemed to see somethings too. His eyes went wide and he tried to sneak his way closer to me. I looked out his window, nothing was there. I looked at him. He was staring at absolutely nothing. Maybe these ghosts wanted a specific victim or he is seeing something truly horrifying. George was whistling while we rode. The car stopped. "Well, isn't that just creepy." Fred said. "I swear we just filled the gas tank." Ginny said. "We did." George said. "which one of you kiddos want to check the car?" He asked. Hermione crossed her arms. She had a bit of smirk. Everyone was silent. "Oh, you're all wimps." Ginny said, taking a flashlight and getting out. Draco was still looking at nothing and put his hand on mine. He quickly pulled away and looked at me. I had a smile on my face. He loosened up and sat straight. Ginny walked back in. "Nothing wrong with the car Georgie!" She said. "Oh for goodness sake, George! Just put the key back in already!" Hermione blurted out. "BLOODY HELL GEORGE!" Ron said. George and Fred laughed and high fived. "GOTCHA!" They said as George put the key back in. "Hermione, did you know?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes, but those idiots told me to be quiet." She said. I sighed and looked at Draco. He was looking out the window again. "Guys! Is that the bridge?" Ron asked. "Yes, yes it is!" Fred said. We drove over it. I heard someone gasp. It was Ginny. "I see the boy!" She said, pointing out the window. I looked out, seeing nothing. "All I see is fog." Draco said. "Well that's good for you cause he's creepy." Ginny said. Draco raised a brow and sat back in his seat. I really really hoped Ginny and Draco would become friends even if the Chamber of Secrets thing happened. "You guys wanna get out of the car and talk to him?" George asked. "NO!" We all said. He laughed and kept driving. We finally got out of that place. My stomach growled. "What time is it?" I asked. "3:30 in the afternoon." Ron said. "Are you hungry cause I am too." Ron said. I nodded. "Good! We are almost at a restaurant anyway." Fred said, looking at a map. At the back of my mind all I thought about was my dream. When I thought of the kiss all I did was feel warm. I didn't quite know why though.

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