Thousand Miles

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I looked at Draco who had a smile plastered on his face. The Twins were currently singing a song from the radio. "MAKING MY WAY DOWNTOWN! WALKING FAST! FACES PAST AND I'M HOMEBOUND." The screamed. Ron covered his ears. Hermione was reading a book so she didn't care to notice and Ginny just looked out the window, laughing. I smiled a bit. Draco looked tempted to do something. After a good few seconds the urge overcame everything. "AND I NEED YOU!" He started to sing as well. "GOD DAMMIT MALFOY!" Ron said. Ginny and I started to laugh uncontrollably. Draco looked at me and continued to sing, pointing at me. "IF I COULD FALL INTO THE SKY! DO YOU THINK TIME WILL PASS MY BY? CAUSE YOU KNOW I'D WALK A THOUSAND MILES IF I COULD JUST SEEE YOUUUU TONIGHT!" They screamed. I kept laughing, blushing lightly. Draco coughed and laughed. He smiled a bit. He seemed to be having a good time. "So much for seeing my dumb face all spring break hm?" I asked. He smiled at me. "Oh please, I was kidding! Plus, a face can't be stupid unless it's yours of course." He said. "We are at our next stop!" George said. It looked somewhat like the road we had been to a day or so ago. There was fog except had much more of a warm atmosphere. However, it didn't send shivers down my spine. "Where are we?" Ron asked. "CENTRALIA, PENNSYLVANIA!" Hermione squealed. "I've read all about this place." She said. "Only a few people live here now." "Who would want to live here?" Draco asked. "Who knows! It is a fascinating place anyway!" She said. "Why is it all foggy?" Ginny asked. "There is a mine that's permanently on fire below." Hermione said. "Permanently?" I asked. She nodded. "Maybe... Just maybe... It's SATAN!" Fred said. Draco sunk in his seat. "Oh please, Fred." Hermione said. "This place was the place Silent Hill was based off of." She said. "I've always wanted to visit it." She said. "So um... How long are we going to be here?" Draco asked, unnerved. "Well... We can stay here as long as we want to." George said. "Well I'm hungry so..." He said. Ron looked over at us. "I have some snacks in my book bag." I said. I knew it would come in handy. I gave him some chips. We kept looking around. "Wow..." Ron said in amazement. "What if we slept here for the night?" George asked. "YES!" Hermione said. "Well you're lucky that it's night time...." Draco said. Fred stopped the car. Fred and George sometimes switched seats and roles. Ron sighed as we all unbuckled. All of our seats could be pulled down so we could lay on it. That's what we did for all of them. I laid in my seat, looking to my left. Draco was staring at the ceiling, eating the chips I had given him. I looked at Ron who was already asleep as well as Hermione and Ginny. The Twins were softly talking about something inaudible. I sighed and tried closing my eyes. I opened one eye to look at Draco, who was staring at me. I always caught him doing it but this time he didn't look away. I smiled at him a bit. He crumpled the bag and threw it at my face. I chuckled a bit and looked at the bag. He had written marker on it. The note said, "Goodnight, Scarhead." I smiled and quickly went to bed.

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