Role Reversed

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Jason's pov

*in his dream*

I was running after a car. I don't know why and I don't know was in it but I knew I had to stop whoever it was or I'd lose everything. "Wait stop!" My mind is going a mile a minute while this car is going 50 miles an hour!! "Stop! Don't leave again!"

*he wakes up*

And suddenly I realized who it was in the car. I look down at my girlfriend. I'm scared. No terrified. What if she does run out on me?! No I'm just letting that dream get to me.

*a few days later*

Miranda's pov

I went to hang with Caroline. She likes me even if Luke doesn't. "I have an idea but I'm kind of nervous." "What's up?" She asks, drinking a beer. I drum my fingers nervously on the table wanting to say it but not knowing how to. "Jason's afraid to ask me to marry him because he thinks I'll run away again. Of course I'm not. But you know. Anyways, I actually want us to get married so I'm gonna do something not very many girls do."

Luke's pov

"I'm gonna propose to him!" My jaw drops overhearing this. I drop my guitar and run out the door.

Jason's pov

My phone rings and an urgent Luke is on the other end. "Whoa dude, calm down. What's going on?" I put my Bluetooth in and ready a golf ball. Yeah I'm trying something new. Golf. Supposedly it's a good stress relief and right now I need to stop thinking about that dream. "Jason, where the hell are you? We need to talk!" "At the golf course. Talk about what?" "This is big. Not over the phone!" Then he hangs up. What is that weird guy up to now? A few minutes later, I hear a truck pull up. I turn around, thinking it was Luke's truck but it wasn't. It was Miranda. "Hey girl what's up?" She looks nervous. "You alright?" "We need to talk." My mind flashes back to that dream. "It's not bad is it?" "No I'm just worried how you'll react." What? How I'll react? React to what? "Jason, I know I said no before. But...... Will you marry me?" My jaw drops. Just then Luke pulls up. "Wait... Hold up, you're..... Proposing to me?" "Yes I know you're too afraid to ask me. But I am ready this time. I really am. I won't run, Jason." Maybe this was what Luke wanted to say. He walks over. "I'm too late. Aren't I?" He asks. "Too late for what?" She asks, turning around. That doesn't matter. "Baby, my answer is yes." She spins around wide eyed. "Really?" "Yeah. I love you baby." I drop the golf club and hug her tight. "We're really getting married. This is really happening?" I shakily ask. "Yes. Jason I love you and I want to marry you." I smile and kiss her hard.

*later that day*

"Hey Luke I know you hate her and ya don't like this at all but I'd really like my closest friend to be my best man." He crosses his arms. "Jason, you're 100% right. I hate her for what she did to you. And I think you should stay far away from her. What if she does the same thing she did with Sam. Take this kid away too." "Come on, Luke that won't happen. It was a mistake and she realized that. I forgave her why can't you?" "You don't remember how fucked up you were, since you were so drunk. She never saw how you were. I saw my best friend almost dying right before my eyes. And until you go through it you'll never understand." I stare at my shoes thinking. "Luke how bad was I?" He pats my shoulder. "Let's not think about that now. Your best man has a bachelor party to plan." I'm shocked. I look up quickly. "Really, you will?" He smiles. I do too. "I may not like her but she's your girl, it's your life, and if you're happy, I'm happy." "Dude, it is so great to hear you say that." We sit down at the bar. "Let's order a round bro. Drinks on me. You're gettin' married."

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