Chapter 3

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As I sit on my room listening to my favorite bands,I start to think about how life treated me. It's not good. I got this txt from a number I didn't know, me and this person started talking. After about an hour they started to make fun of me and how I should die,then I relised this person isn't who they say they are. What this person doesn't know is I cut and have sucidal thought and attempts. As I sit there crying I look over and there is a blade, I look down at my wrist and back at the blade, I pick up the blade and let it kiss my wrist, as a slide the blade across I can feel the blood run down my hand and it feels like all my problems has been lifted. For once I don't regret it it makes me happy that I can be really close to death.
Dear Taylor,
Today I was happy I cut, if felt good. The thought of being close to death makes me excited. The blood that ran down my arm felt good as I just opened my arm out on to the floor and watched the blood fall, it made me think about the bridge close to my house. Maybe I should jump, I maybe better off dead and not here, it's not like I want be missed
Love your sucidal self,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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