Part 11- A Lot Of Tricks & A Few Treats

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Charlie seen her lips moving but could not make out the words from across the room..Andrea, the worst part of her past that was now right smack in the middle of her present all ready and excited to mess up her future. Why else would she be here, if not to cause trouble for her? After all Andrea made it clear she was never going to be free from her grips on her, She would run to Daniel and tell him everything if she did not give in to her. Charlie was Andrea's play thing that she kept on a tight leash, she had been since she had turned 16, Charlie thought sadly, she should have known better than to try and start over. She really thought that Andrea would leave her alone and be happy it was just her and Daniel taking care of business now, but she had been wrong obviously she mused as she seen her icy stare speaking loud and clear that trouble was on its way.  Why did Andrea wait so long to come find her, why now? What torture was she planning? Did Daniel send her or was this personal?? All these thoughts ran crazily inside Charlie's head. 

Suddenly all sound was silenced in Charlie's ears except for Mary Anne's laugh. Charlie seen that Andrea was laughing too but could not hear her over Mary Anne's booming chuckles. Mary Anne's laugh usually sent shivers down Charlie's back in pleasure but this laugh of hers was different, it was like Mary Anne was making fun of her, Charlie thought and tears started to form on the corners of her eyes. Also Andrea was pointing at Charlie across the room with her murky orange nails that were long, thick and dangerous. Charlie remembered how those nails cut into her flesh, not enough to scar her just enough to put a dent on her skin deep enough to leave a mark that would leave in a few minutes, ...Andrea was into the small pain, that way it leaved no evidence of what she had done. 

Mary Anne's face contorted into an expression of shock and anger as she continued to stare at Charlie. Andrea had that I caught you look on her face. Both women started to make there way across the room in little steps and Charlie stood there sweating and shaking with every step they took getting closer and closer to her, she could feel the women's strides pounding onto the barroom floor and Charlie's heart began to keep perfect rhythm to the beat of Andrea's steps, until finally Andrea and Mary Anne was so close that Charlie could feel both of their hot breaths on her chin. 

In a sweetly sick tone Andrea leaned over and whispered in Charlie's ear "Honey you better take care of that, you are dripping on the floor." and then Charlie heard Andrea's laugh, that laugh that made her feel sick.

Charlie glanced at Mary Anne's expression of anger right before she looked down on the dark gray floor seeing drips of  blood appear in little round spots as if it was a leaky water faucet and then Charlie felt her pants where the blood had formed a rough circle on her pants in front. oohh no, she had started her period!! The last thing Charlie remembered from her nightmare was Mary Anne slapping her across the cheek with tears streaming down her face.

Sitting up in panic in the dark on the edge of her bed, Charlie took five deep breaths to help herself calm down, repeating over and over it was just a dream and that It had not happened, Mary Anne would never find out she was a girl. Her mind was just trying to trick her. When she had gotten back from walking Butterscotch Andrea had left and Kendra had told her that lady who looked like Andrea was "Rachel" there new client...which leaves Charlie to wonder, was she mistaken? Did the stress finally get to her and she was imaging Andrea as Rachel? Was Andrea pretending to be Rachel? Why would she?

In the dark Charlie tried to remember "Rachel's" features... long blond hair, crooked nose, capped teeth, that icy stare, no doubt about it Charlie thought with a sick feeling of dread in the core of her body ..."Rachel" was Andrea. 

"What game are you up to now Andrea" Charlie spoke aloud knowing she was going to be up all night, luckily she had only a few hours til she went to work to face her demon so to speak, the meeting with Rachel Mendors was today. Charlie gulped down the knot in her throat that always appeared when she was afraid. Using both hands Charlie started to feel for her slippers she kept on the floor but only felt the soft touch of her furry friend. Butterscotch started to lick her hand and Charlie smiled petting him, patting the bed for him to join her. It would be all okay Charlie thought to herself but she must remember to go to the store and pick up a box of tampons, just in case. 

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