Chapter 2: Game Start

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"Stupid alarm..." AJ muttered reaching her alarm one last time. She sat up and started heading towards the bathroom.

After a while went out but still groggy.
"Remember the rules Altria eat then play.." she half sleepily reminded herself.

She went down and ate silently. After she ate rested for a minute recollecting her mind slowly, but surely.

Today's the big day.. she thought to herself fully awaken.

She then readied her gaming gear and went to work. She logged in and after that everything is going smoothly.

Then black

Not black with a hinge of light, plain black. She stood for a minute observing cautiously, not wanting to miss a single detail.

While looking around she was able to locate a panel. She paused for a minute thinking of a name.


Perfect!! She thought and typed it on the panel. Suddenly it vanished without a trace.

"Welcome to Magic Wars Maru" A robotic female voice suddenly said. "You may choose your class" it added, suddenly wide ranges of classes started sliding infront of her.

She chose ASSASIN as she intended in the start. "You may now create your avatar" it said and Aj went to work.

After she finished designing, she was given a chance to recreate but she declined since it was already fine. The avatar she made had a red hair with a streak of black, a red scarf and reddish to brown long sleeved shirt, and pants.

The sidelights suddenly beamed open blinding her after getting used to the light, she now then observed her now lighted surrounding. She realized she's in a cockpit of a plane.

"You will be dropped off to your destination" the voice said, Very unusal way to start a game... she thought silently. "Goodbye and have a nice game" it said, she suddenly realized she was already falling.

"Fuck" Aj muttered while falling, "Not the best way to start a game!!" She exclaimed. Well for noobs... she chuckled lightly at the thought.

She was able to land safely, with a bit of a problem, she's on a tree. "Great just my luck", "And Im upside down..." she added.

"Poor Aj-nee stuck on a tree!" A familiar voice exclaimed followed by a laugh. Great... she thought, "You helpin or what?!" Aj barked at Kate.

"H-hey try not to kill eachother alright?" Marrion said with a worried expression. "Sup guys" Jinsoku said, they both brofisted and patted backs.

Aj is getting real irritated hanging upside down. "Are you guys done? Cause Im getting real angry hanging like this" Aj barked even more furious at three infront of her.

Fine I'll just get down myself...she thought, and did manage to get down with the price of hitting her head. She stayed at the grass for a while, feeling the nice graphics it has to offer.

"[1]Du kommer att få gott om tid att känna den jävla gräs" Kate said confusing the two males. Aj sat up without a word.

After sitting up she felt someone hugging her from the back. "Hi Zach.." Aj said patting the male.

Zach just giggled at her and let go, "Someone found the love of their life" Allie said slowly going towards them, earning a luagh from the others. One day Allie, one day... Aj thought, growling silently.

As they were exchanging requests the others arrived as well. "Is this everyone?" Kate asked as she tries to count everyone.

Nine heads, that's everyone... she thought. "So what are we gonna do now?" Taiko asked.

"Anybody knows how to open their menus?" Allie asked, trying to swipe two fingers up and down. The others as well tried looking for it with all directions.

"Found it!!" Kate exclaimed as she swiped sidewards. Just as Dad said, gold... Aj thought swiping it away.

"Now we go get our equipment" Shinobi said heading to a village with the others. "And I'm alone again..." Alfonse mumbled heading there as well.

Allie and Taiko took their time in the shop wanting to look 'fashionable' which took them a while. They all met at the village square and was still waiting for Taiko and Allie.

"Okay what the fuck is keeping them so long" Aj finally said getting real impatient. The two suddenly showed up with the items they first picked which made Aj face palm.

"Finally..." the boys said in unison, Kate just said around the lines of 'girls'. "Alfonse got any log for us?" Kate asked the frenchmen, Alfonse nodded and told them about it.

They all started to head for the docks with Kate in the lead. Not too long started dashing for the ship shouting "First log here I come!!" as she went.

"Hey!! Wait for everyone!!" Aj exclaimed as she went to catch up with the runaway Kate. "Siblings...tch.." Jinsoku said as he watched them dash for it.

"Don't worry about them, let's go grind our way to the top and let them be!" Allie said as she went for Kate and Aj. I wonder if she already knew... Jinsoku thought as he slowed down his pace.

He then realized his the only one left of his party in the docks. " [2]Watashi ni tsuite nani o machimasu?!!!" He exclaimed as he went to the luaghing frenzy of his friends.

[1] You will have plenty of time to feel the damn grass

[2] Wait what about me?!!!

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