76; the beginning of a new story

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Ellie felt one hand on her waist, and another on the back of her neck. The two didn't really make out or anything, it was a simple kiss on the lips – but a long one. She smiled into the kiss, their lips still together.

Oh, how long she had been waiting for this moment to happen!

"I didn't expect this to happen," Dylan said as they parted, looking at each other.

"Me neither," Ellie admitted, "At least not when I was thinking about seeing you. Let's just say I was led by my instinct."

He smiled even wider, his eyes looking at her lips every now and then. "Was this your first kiss?"

"Yep. And it didn't even suck as much as I thought it would."

Dylan rolled his eyes at her, taking her hand into his. "That's because I'm a great kisser. Me kissing you was a privilege, you gotta remember that. I stole your first kiss and made it absolutely amazing."

The blonde frowned, tilting her head to the side. "Firstly, you didn't steal my first kiss, assbutt. I kissed you." She grinned widely and stuck her tongue out at him. "Secondly, I don't know if the kiss was really that good..."

"Don't shit me," Dylan said in a dead-serious voice, before simply smiling at her. "You're beautiful."

Yeah, maybe she's just kissed him. Maybe she's just confessed she loves him. But never did she think he'd call her beautiful.

And since Ellie was probably the worst person ever at taking compliments, she only blushed – she could literally feel the heat in her entire face – and muttered something she really couldn't repeat. It was one of the many occasions where Ellie would wish she wasn't so awkward.

"Thanks," she finally managed to say – why was it so hard?!

They were talking about random stuff for the next few minutes, neither of them even mentioning what had just happened between them – actually, it was as if it even hadn't happened. Ellie didn't know what to think about it, maybe she should have thought before acting. But what's been done has been done and there's no turning back.


"Look, ugh, I didn't tell you..." Dylan started awkwardly; Ellie's heart was racing, she thought he'd say he doesn't really like her anymore, that it was just a phase. Could it possibly be it? "When I was, um, waiting for you, I...met your mom and your sister. They seem like really good –"

"Wait, you what?!"

"Met Elinor and your mom," he replied and bit his lip.

"Why didn't you tell me when you saw me?"

Dylan shifted beside her, his arm brushing against hers – her hand was still in his. "Well, I did. The moment I saw you. But you were a bit off, and you didn't catch anything I said."

"Oh my god." Ellie rubbed her temples, trying to relax. Her mom was so going to make her regret not telling her who she was meeting up with... "What did they say? What exactly happened?"

As soon as she relaxed a bit, Dylan relaxed too – he smiled at her reassuringly. "I was standing outside, they came a few minutes before you and Elinor recognized me. She was quick on getting facts together, and it took her about ten seconds to realize I was waiting for you. Basically, she introduced me to herself and your mom, I signed them autographs, and your mom just told me to take care of you. She seemed to like me."

Oh, wow – her mom actually liked Dylan? Usually, she never approved of any crush of hers. It was really weird to know that her mother did, in fact, like Ellie's – ugh, well, whatever he was to her.

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