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It had been over a week and Jax couldn't stop from spending hours looking at his only sonogram photo of his kid. He seemed to find something new every time. He was slowly visioning what his son, or daughter, was going to look like, and who he would take after.

Despite all the imagination about his child, Jax still felt a spike of fear shoot through him when he thought about his child's arrival and the change that would come with it.

Jax never once doubted the club or questioned the lifestyle he lived, but now he was expanding his world to fatherhood. He could admit it was mostly from his best friend's recent stint in Chino that got him thinking. If being an outlaw, or more specifically running guns, was worth the potential missed family milestone's. Opie missed 5 years and looked at what he is going through.

Though the club got rid of dumbass Kyle who left Opie to get caught; a club deal could go wrong or even David Hale, Mr. Captain America, could find something to pin on them, and if they pushed him too far they would have the ATF in all of their collective rectums.

It was those thoughts that crept in when he envisioned his child's first steps or words. If he missed all of that because of something from the club he wasn't sure how to handle these new feelings that were infecting him.

Abstract feelings soon turned to Delilah. In the past week, he made sure to regularly text or call just to make sure she was alright. But he learned very quickly that Delilah wasn't one to be coddled, and she let him know he didn't need to text her 20 times a day. He even received a mini rant when he made an offhand comment about her being pregnant around a bunch of porn stars. He decided not to even breach the topic of money.

It was strange how immediately he felt protective over Delilah and their child.

Thinking about Delilah beyond the sense of his son's mother was where his most troubling thoughts began. As soon as his mother discovers this development in his life, he expects a lecture from her proclaiming him to be a dumbass for knocking up a friend of the club's only relative. Then the wheels would soon be turning on to set the two up as a couple. Typical Gemma.

Jax wasn't averse to a relationship, but he didn't think he would be ready for the relationship that would involve a kid. Besides, marriage left a bad taste in his mouth even though it could be partly blamed on the fact him and Wendy were a disaster from the start.

It was just in his world there wasn't time for anything slow and steady. If you didn't want her to be your Old Lady then there was no point in trying to begin anything.

He wasn't saying that Delilah couldn't be his Old Lady; it was just there was a baby involved and if it didn't work out that could lead to trouble. Plus he didn't even know if he wanted an Old Lady at this point.

He wanted to focus on the club. It was looking like Darby was trying to make a bigger crew for his distribution game trying to ruffle the feathers with the club, and it didn't help that the beef with the Mayans seemed to be slowly escalating. The last thing they needed was another goddamn war.

He wanted Delilah separated from that. He knew other crews didn't usually go for Old Lady's. It was an unwritten rule that no one ever went after women or children, but he knew Donovan wouldn't want her to know what exactly it meant to be involved with SAMCRO.

Donovan Carmine. Jax could admit he was kind of worried about how the drunk was going to take this news. He had immense respect for Donovan as he was a friend of the club, but he didn't know how he was going to look this man in the eye knowing he knocked up his niece from a one-night stand. Jax shuddered thinking about the inevitable beating he is going to get from Lip.

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