Old Habits

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Jax's lips descended down upon hers in a soft cautious kiss. She barely heard or even recognized the sigh mixed with a moan as she pressed herself into his heat as much as her stomach allowed. Jax responded to her with another tender kiss against her soft lips, as if he was still holding back. He seemed to want to resist himself from becoming too lost in this.

Once her fingers traveled up to his long blonde locks it seemed to break the wall that was restraining him as he surrendered to the kiss. He deepened the kiss as he nipped at her bottom lip, his tongue demanding entrance that she readily gave him. His mouth tasted faintly of beer that somehow made her desire heighten as it reminded her of that night.

Delilah found herself being picked up and placed on his countertop as he fit snugly in between her thighs and the new position seemed to unlock a fury of desire in Jax. Jax broke the kiss and placed open mouth kisses along her jaw to her neck and she gasped while he simultaneously grinded into her bringing a throb of desire to her center against his growing hardness.

Delilah remembered how she found herself lost with Jackson Teller that night. She didn't know how she could forget his skilled lips.

As this tingling sensation intensified between her legs, it seemed she was hit with a wave of realization and quickly pushed Jax away, her mood deflating, "Jax stop."

Jax quickly backed away from her his eyes filled with concern, "What's wrong?"

Delilah quickly jumped down from the counter and put as much physical distance between them so she could think clearly. "We shouldn't do this."

"What?" Jax confused his voice hoarse being clear evidence of how much he wanted what happened and Delilah knew exactly where it would have headed if she didn't stop it.

"We shouldn't have done that." Delilah repeated more to herself than him.

"You have got to be shitting me," he let out a condescending laugh, "Seemed to have wanted it as much as me, darlin'." Jax retorted hotly.

"Jax, I'm sorry, alright, I –"

"Don't patronize me," Jax snarled at her.

Delilah pursed her lips at the irate biker before she spoke softly, "Jax, we should just be friends."

As she said it, it seemed as if the air left the room and she felt suffocated by the look that Jax sent her way. It immediately made her want to take the words back as she didn't even mean them, but they flew out like a reflex from some fear she had when it came to Jax – to their whole relationship. She knew she spent so much time overthinking.

"We were never just friends, darlin'," Jax informed her. His voice was dead and bleak and his eyes immediately left hers as he made himself busy with grabbing a beer from his fridge, "You should go," he added on, dismissing her.


"Just go, please, I need to put the second coat of paint on. You can see yourself out." Jax told her as he looked at her blankly and Delilah just nodded in resignation trying to hide the hurt and tears that threaten to spill at his dismissal of her, but she unearthed it from him by her obvious rejection. Delilah brushed past him and quickly left the house and swallowed the fact she might have ruined something.

Delilah didn't go immediately home. She found herself sitting in the deserted parking lot outside of Hanna's diner where the open food service provider's bright luminescent lights were beaming on her like a spotlight. She knew if anyone was curious they could easily see her tear-stricken face that was all her fault.

She didn't know why when her mind caught up to her body she reactively froze and pushed him back. A part of her was telling herself that she was just protecting both of them and their unborn son. She based their attraction – their connection – solely on the fact that they were having a baby together.

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