Chapter 5

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X Mia's POV X
I see ...
Matt and amber my best friend in bed together and not just sleeping if you know what I mean
(If you don't then you are too young to be reading this)
"What the fuck!!"
I scream as amber tries to hide herself so don't see her "Amber I can see you"
I tell her
She comes up with a cheeky grin on her face and soon enough we were all dying of laughter "just to let you know I'm not mad but Matt I swear hurt her and I will literally break you!"
I tell them both
"So your not mad?!"
Amber asks excitedly
"No just a little pissed you didn't tell me" "phew we didn't tell you. Cause we thought you would hate Amber"Matt says as I laugh "I could never hate Amber she's my bestie any ways can I borrow your charger?"
I ask Matt
"Yeah it's over there" he tells me pointing to the vanity next to a box of protection "well at least I know you were safe"
I mumble then walk out ....
Just a filler chapter

Matthew Espinosa's little sister {Cameron Dallas Fanfiction}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat