Request 4: The Unseen (L & Yonghwa)

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Hope it's to your expectation!
Request by:
-winY- -- Han Ying
L/Myungsoo of infinite
Yong Hwa of CNBlue

Han Ying's P.O.V

"No! No!" I pulled YongHwa back "I didn't say he was flirting with me! He was just behaving playfully attracted " I said setting him back on the cafeteria table we were having lunch.

"You know that was just the definition of flirting right? I swear I will beat that M up!" He said furiously clinching his fists.

"It's L, his name is L or Kim Myungsoo" I corrected "no one cares" he spat back defensively "obviously, they do" I said mentioning him to look at the crowd of girls around the table a few meters away from ours where L was seated.

"Yeah right," he shock his head "that guy is crazy! A new popular student who just came a few weeks ago flirting with my nerd, certainly lost his mind or left it where he came from" Yonghwa mused.

"It was the same for you 3 years ago remember? The Nerd Han Ying with big rimmed glasses and dark brown long curly hair is suddenly walking with the popular new student who asked her to be friends simply because everyone didn't have the guts to come near him while I was there not giving a jam about any of this talking back to you, wasn't it like that too?" I explained, he didn't reply assuring I was right.

"It's different, we've been friends for eternity. anyway that's not the point" He retarded "Sure it isn't" I mocked.

The bell rang announcing the end of the lunch break "What class are you going to now?" YongHwa asked lifting his tray off the table as he stood up.

"I'm on elective now, Volunteer work" I said chewing on my lunch "Oh okay, see you!" He waved to me as he went off to his class.

After he left I stared at my hands holding the spoon, I made it visibly disappear then made it visible again. My supernatural invisibility power is a secrete that no one knows of other than my family and.. YongHwa.

He wasn't supposed to know but it just happened after we became close and hung out frequently.

I finished my lunch and headed to the rooftop for a while to get some fresh air, it was really good up there. The only disadvantage is that it's the best place I could get bullied in, no one really goes there so it's easy for them to pick on me freely.

"Hey there Ying" I heard someone call me. It was L again, doesn't he have class? I looked at him maintaining my poker face. Which was always there when he was around me, it won't really make a difference anyway with all these girls melting around him. He won't want my attention.

He came standing beside me then leaned on the railing like I did "Don't you have class now, is it okay for the school's nerd to ditch?" He asked looking upfront.

"This is for me to decide and for you to stay out of" I said sighing then turned around to leave.

"Hey! Wait, I didn't finish yet" he said holding me back by the wrist. "Okay finish Mr.L" I said turning around before lightly yanking his hand off mine.

"Don't you feel anything? I mean you don't act like the rest of the girls... You know like---" I cut him short "dying over you? No thanks" I completed his sentence yet putting my own touch.

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