Chapter 5

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Jasmines pov

After I got home I got dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a shirt that made me feel like an artist. After I put my white heels by the door I sat down on the living room couch to start my Netflix marathon.

I turned on teen wolf and settled down on my couch, after getting snacks of course.

Ten minutes into the first episode the doorbell chimed and I got up to get it. I was surprised to see Cameron there because I had somehow forgotten about our date.

"Oh hey Cameron come in I just have to turn off the tv and grab my bag then I'll be ready to go, okay?" I said to Cameron as he walked in.

"So what are you watching?" Cameron questioned as I walked up the stairs to grab my bag.

After I came back downstairs I answered him with a simple "Teen Wolf."

He just stood there gaping at me with a stunned look on his face.

"What?" I questioned. "Do I not seem like the type of person to like werewolves." I asked him.

He just smirked and said "Oh no I completely believe that you do but everything on teen wolf is wrong though, like they can't just shift on a full moon they can shift whenever they feel like." (A.N. I don't know if teen wolf really says that or not I just felt like putting it in.)

"How do you know that, are you one?" I jokingly questioned.

He seemed to stiffen at my question but then he relaxed and sarcastically said "yes I'm totally a werewolf." I laughed and slipped on my shoes.

"Let's go." I said

We went to the car and I grabbed my purse and locked the door on the way.

After we got in the car he turned on the engine as he did so the radio turned on and I started to sing along since it was one of my favourite songs, Lost Boy.

🎶Neverland is Home for lost boys like me, where lost boys can be free.🎶

I sang along to the song the whole car ride.

He suddenly stopped the car on the side of the road by the woods and I was having second thoughts about the date, what if he just wanted to kill me, or rape me, or maybe he would- "No I'm not going to kill or rape you." Cameron said as if he could read my thoughts. I sighed in relief but still kept my guard up.

He led me out into the middle of the woods and I was confused as to where we were going, was there a restaurant out here or something. But nobody would put a restaurant in the middle of the woods would they? Maybe it's for people that get lost or- I was jolted out of my thoughts when I saw the sight in front of me. It was beautiful. There was a waterfall to the left of me and to the right was a cliche red and white checkered blanket with a picnic basket on it. There was somehow light illuminating from the water.

"It's beautiful, how is the water glowing?" I gasped from the beauty of it.

"I'm not sure it's been like that since my mom brought me here when I was four." He said back to me with a slightly guilty voice.

I shook off the regret in his words and skipped over to the blanket. I plopped down and motioned him to come over.

"So does this place have a name?" I asked him.

"Not really, I just say I'm going to my place whenever I come here, well now it can be called our place if you want to."

I blushed slightly before saying "I would love that."

We sat there for an hour either talking about random things or not talking at all and just enjoying the view.

After a while I realised that I had forgotten my purse in the car. I told him I'd be back quickly and hurried off to the car with a feeling of dread in my stomach.

Halfway there I heard a growl from behind me and turned around to see a large brown wolf staring at me.

I gulped and turned back around to run but I decided that was a bad idea because he could attack from behind me.

Turning back around I gasped because of how close he was to me I could feel his breath on my face and see the yellow specks in his otherwise black eyes. I could also sadly smell his breath, and it stunk, it smelled like rotting meat covered in vomit.

I slowly reached behind me to grab the pepper spray that was in my purse but quickly realised I had forgotten it in the truck.

I heard another growl coming from behind me and before I could react a midnight black wolf jumped at me. I quickly ducked and could feel his stomach hairs brushing against my hands on my head.

I turned back to the brown wolf in time to see the black one snap his neck. I grimaced and turned away from all the blood. I could sense that the black wolf was behind me.

and turned to him expecting to get killed but instead he just rubbed his head against my leg. I pulled back, shocked. It was the same tingling feeling that Cameron gave me.

I tentatively reached forward to pet him hoping he wouldn't bite my hand off mid-pet.

His fur was surprisingly really soft. I had expected it to be gross and matted but it felt like silk in my hands. The Colour reminded me of Cameron's hair, oh yeah Cameron I should tell him where I am. I said goodbye the wolf and made my way to the car to get my purse which was my mission in the first place. After I got it I went back to our spot and was about to tell Cameron all about my encounter but he was nowhere to be seen. I sat down and waited for about five minutes then he finally came into view. "Sorry I left but I was walking on the edge of the water and fell in so I had to go home really quickly and get new clothes."

"Wait but you couldn't have taken the car I got my purse out of it and it was still there." I said

"Oh well um my house wasn't a very far walk so I just ran there." He replied while shaking the water out of his hair like a dog.

"But we're in the middle of the woods how far away is your house." I asked exasperatedly. 

"Like I said it's not to far okay, just drop it." He said while sitting down by the water and dipping in his feet.

"Okay." I sighed.

We just sat there for a while after that in comfortable silence but my phone buzzed telling me to come home. I quickly texted a reply saying I would be there soon and told Cameron I had to go. He drove me home in silence we were caught up in our own thoughts.

When we arrived at my house he got out of the car just to open the door for me.

"Goodnight Cameron I hope I can do this again." I said to him as we arrived at the door to my house.

"Bye Jazzy, me too." He whispered then quickly kissed me on the lips and ran back to his car. I touched my lips as he waved goodbye I felt all tingly inside.

As I went to my room I realised I hadn't told Cameron about the wolves, oh well I could always tell him tomorrow. I replayed our kiss in my mind as I got ready for bed and hoped he would do it again.

With that on my mind I slowly drifted off to sleep.


Authors Note

Did you like their date? I did mainly the part with the wolves. Picture is her outfit. See you next chapter.

Love ya -Katie Kat 😽

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