Away From the Party (Jacob Frye x Reader)

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Jacob was bored.

At other times he would annoy you or pester you with hundreds of questions like he usually does, but to his dismay you weren't home. Of course any sane person wouldn't leave a man from the 18th century alone in their home. For all you know Jacob could burn down the whole house or turn the living room into a swimming pool, but you being the smart person you are gave him some rules. He was not allowed to cook, bake, or make any food or run any water sources except the bathroom toilet and sink. So you left a twenty year old man home alone with nothing to do. Most people would believe Jacob would break the rules just to piss you off, but, he would never actually admit it, Jacob was scared when you were angry. You weren't adorable when you were angry, you were upright terrifying and Jacob learned that the hard way when he first got here.

So there he sat draped over your sofa watching the little box you call a television or most commonly a TV. He still didn't understand how they got those little men into the glass sided cube, but he didn't question it by this point. All he wanted to know was where you were and when you would be back. You left with only a vague explanation, saying you were going out with friends. Jacob asked which friends because he knew you had a good amount of male friends with looks that could make any girl swoon. Mostly Zach, a blond haired, flirty jock with a sense of humor that always makes you smile and laugh; Jacob absolutely despises him. You told Jacob it was four of your girl friends: Izzy, Alex, Kara, and Gina.

Jacob sighed in relief when you told him that, but tried to not make it obvious, but now he wishes he asked to go with you. He groaned from his spot on the couch and got up to get the phone; when Jacob first appeared randomly in your backyard you taught him how to use some technology such as the telephone. He finds it weird that the phone is so much different than the one Charles Dickens was making back in his era, but he still found it quite easy to use compared to other stuff. He picked up the phone and dialed the numbers that were next to it on a piece of paper then put it to his ear listening for your voice to pick up.

*ring ring*


"Hi, (Y/n)!"

"Oh hey Jacob! What's up?" ("Y/n who is that? Is it a boyfriend? Shhhh!!")

Jacob could hear your friends chatting and questioning you in the background, wondering who you were talking to. Jacob hasn't met any of your female friends, but he has heard enough to know that Alex is the one who asked if he was your boyfriend.

"(Y/n), when are you going to be back?"

"Hmmm... Well I'm shopping so I'll back soon I promise!" ("Ohhhh I knew it! He is your boyfriend! Shhhh!!")

Jacob's face dropped; how soon would you be? Minutes, hours? From what he has seen about girls and shopping , the latter is probably the best bet. He heard some laughing then excited yelling coming from your end, then a sigh.

"Jacob, I have to go, but I'll be home soon then we can watch a movie or something, ok?"

"Sure, have fun and be careful."

"I will Jacob. I'll see you later! Bye!"

Jacob pulled the phone away as it beeped to signal the call ending then groaned. He put the phone back on the wall and flopped back onto the couch with a sigh. He was still bored and now anticipating your return.

~(Over to you at the mall!)~

As soon as you put your phone back in your pocket, your friends bombarded you with questions.

"Who was that!?"

"Was he your boyfriend?"

"Is he hot?!"

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