Country Girl (AC x Reader)

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Desmond dropped his bags to the wooden floor with a clank and took a deep inhale,

"Great idea to move to the countryside, guys. This house is huge and the land is too, I can't believe we share almost thirty acres with only one neighbor!"

Connor walked up behind him carrying a duffel bag over his shoulder and a suitcase at his hip,

"It is quite a beautiful home and the surrounding land is very vibrant yet peaceful."

Connor walked up the stairs to the left side of the house to put his bags in his room while Desmond walked around the downstairs. The other new homeowners walked in behind the first two with their own bags, some placing them down to stretch and look around the bottom level of the country style cottage while others went upstairs to put their clothes away. Desmond walked over to the windows on the right side of the house where large bay windows were set with a bench underneath; he looked out the window to see the view of the neighbor's house, but his jaw dropped and eyes widened at the sight in front of him. Altair just placed his suitcases down on his bed before he heard a shout from the youngest of the men come from downstairs,

"Guys! You gotta come see this!"

Altair sighed loudly before making his way downstairs again to see Desmond looking through the curtains of the large windows with wide eyes and a large smirk. Ezio walked up behind the young man to see the what he was making a face about, but even his eyes widened at what the others couldn't see.

"He is right, my friends,this view is truly gorgeous."

Altair rose a curious brow then shook his head skeptically, but made his way over anyways and what he saw got a reaction he even out of his cold façade. Outside in the neighboring driveway was a shining, (f/c) mustang that was covered in bubbles from it being washed by the figure next to it. A country girl is an understatement to describe her, she had sparkling, (h/c) hair that shone in the bright summer sun and the (f/c) bikini top she was wearing left no room to the imagination. The jean shorts that cut off at her mid-thigh were also very skin showing, but went well with what she was doing; she had water droplets running down her legs from leaning across the car while wiping it with the sponge in her hands. At the moment she was standing and wiping the top of the car almost sensually, well to the boys at least, to her she was simply washing the car. Desmond looked over his shoulder to see every man that now lived in the house peering out the window slack jawed, wide eyes, and completely awestruck. Just great, one house full of eight large, male assassins and one smoking hot neighbor, but the best of all is that it's just the nine of them and thirty acres surrounding the two house ranch.

"Enjoying your new view?"

All their heads snapped back to the front door to see Marissa, their real estate agent, with a clipboard in hand staring at them with a raised brow. (Sorry if that's your name just change the name to another if you want.)  Arno nodded his head and answered,

"Yes, it is a wonderful view, very beautiful indeed."

Each of the men nodded in agreement, but Marissa walked over, her heels clicking along the hardwood floor, and looked out while moving the curtain slightly.

"I see why you like the view now, yes. That's (Y/n) (L/n), your new neighbor. She moved out here alone two years ago since her parents are Mrs. and Mr. Money themselves. I don't know how she lives in such a large home by herself, but she is quite nice and a very sweet girl. You will all love her, if you already don't that is."

Jacob piped up from the group,

"Is she single?"

Marissa sighed in irritation before giving an answer,

"Yes, she's single and came out here to find a 'country boy' since that is apparently her type."

The assassins smiled at each other, but their expressions quickly changed when they realized something. Suddenly they all simultaneously yelled,


Marissa watched from the side as every man in the house started glaring or arguing with each other about who would get this girl that they all fell head over heels for. A knock came from the already opened front door which silenced the men and made them look over for a 'speak of the devil' moment. (Y/n) stood at the door, her shimmering (e/c) eyes dancing over each new face and smile lighting up the room,

"Hi, I'm (Y/n)! You must be the new neighbors, it's a pleasure meeting you!"

She walked in hand shaking distance of the assassins and put out her hand with a blinding smile, the closest to her, Connor, was about to shake her hand before Ezio jumped in front of him.

"Why hello, I am Ezio. And please, the pleasure is all mine."

Ezio took the females hand and kissed her knuckles delicately with a dramatic bow, making the girl blush slightly and pull her hand away out of embarrassment.

Marissa butted in before anymore romance could be thrown into the mixture, or so there wouldn't be another fight,

"(Y/n), it is great seeing you again. These are your new neighbors: Ezio, Altair, Arno, Edward, Connor, Jacob, and Desmond."

Each male nodded or smiled when their name was called and (Y/n) offered a small wave in return. Edward stepped forward and stuck out his hand which (Y/n) took and shook,

"It's nice meeting ya, lass. I'm Edward Kenway."

"Nice meeting you too, Edward. I hope you will all like it here!"

Jacob walked forward with a smirk,

"I'm sure we will, love, since you are here and all."

(Y/n)'s face flushed a rosy red and she let out a nervous laugh while wringing her hands behind her back. She seemed a lot more nerve wracked then she did before which made Connor push the perverts aside with a glare,

"I apologize for their behavior, Ms.(Y/n). They do not understand that people should get the respect they deserve."

"It's alright, Connor. I've had worse then cheesy pick up lines and childish flattery, mostly when all of it is at a middle school level."

The nonchalant burn made the three love birds mouths fall open slightly and the other assassins to break down laughing, even Altair had a small smile on his face. (Y/n) offered the awe struck men a coy smile before turning and walking out again with a call over her shoulder,

"I'm sorry to run, but I have stuff in the oven! I'll talk to you guys later!"

"I certainly hope so."

Everyone turned to Altair in shock at the whispered innuendo that he let slip, but he just shrugged his shoulders innocently,


Marissa shook her head disapprovingly and made her way to the front door as well,

"It seems that I must be leaving too. I expect you all to take good care of the house and please, don't corrupt (Y/n). Like I said earlier, she is a very sweet girl and I don't want you all to ruin it. Call me if you need anything."

With that, the seven assassins were left in their new home  alone with  free reign of it all, but they looked at each other than ran upstairs yelling about how they wanted one of the rooms with windows facing (Y/n)'s residence. Well most of them anyways. Altair and Connor stood at the bottom of the stairs, expressions covered in frustration and annoyance. They both let out a simultaneous, irritated sigh and made their way up the flight of stairs to break up the newly formed fight.

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