Fun Sized (Connor Kenway x Reader)

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Living on the Homestead wasn't much of a liability to you, but there were some things even you couldn't stand. The Homestead was a pretty peaceful place at most times, but every civilization big or small has its flaws, usually being the crimes committed in them daily. You absolutely hated it. A man could break any law he wanted and when a women went crying to the police of assault, they simply laugh and tell her to scamper off before dinner spoiled. The men behind these crimes were never punished, never even arrested for that matter; most people knew you for your line of work. You took care of these law breaking men, usually by killing the guilty party. Most women saw you as a savior, the wealthy saw you as a great way to win back lost fortune, and most men saw you as a ruthless killer. You were a vigilante. You took the law into your own hands; you could spy and fight, steal and kill. You could be hired or be doing it out of pure rage mixed with victimless pity. You were called many names, some not so friendly, but you hated when people called you an assassin. You were not against assassins, (you were friends with quite a few actually) but that was not your line of work. Enough about your employment; you were sitting atop a tree branch not far from the nearest tavern, trying to fix your wrist worn crossbows. You had one on each wrist and a mechanism that would instantly load arrows from the packs strapped around your forearms. Because of all the snow and the water getting into the reload mechanism, you had to watch over it carefully, drying it anytime you could. You were concentrating on the work at hand that you almost didn't notice the male sneaking from the tree branch behind you in your direction. Key word: almost.

"Don't even think about it, Connor."

You stated calmly, turning your head slightly to see his manly ego deflate just the littlest bit as he realized his attempt at surprising you failed, yet again. You turned back to keep at your former task hearing him sigh quietly behind you and the shifting of the branch as he went to perch himself next to you.

"It took you longer this time to notice my presence at least."

You chuckled at that and retorted,

"Actually I heard you about twenty minutes ago, but thought it would be humorous to entertain you."

The frustrated groan that emitted from the male at your side made you laugh hard enough to almost knock you off the branch. It also made Connor wear a blush that could melt ice if he got within ten feet of any. He pulled his hood lower of his face trying to cover up the shame of not being able to sneak up on you (and other reasons *wink wink*). You wiped tears out of your eyes as you gained your composure, heavily breathing and letting out little giggles in between, giggles that Connor had to admit were cute. Of course he would never say it to your face, but he found everything you do graceful and beautiful that not even a long time queen can perfect.

You looked over at Connor a moment and said,

"Would you care to join me on my way to meet my next employer? I am in dire need of some company after spending all my time alone for the most of the week."

Connor looked at you like you just said the Templars surrendered or something of the like, due to the pure happiness and excitement shining in his chocolate brown eyes. The smile that stretched across his face could make any girl's heart skip a beat, including yours. You always believed that Connor just didn't know how truly handsome he was, if he walked around for only one day without his hood he will have every girl in the Homestead hanging on to his arms. You smiled back and jumped from the branch landing in the snow below with a muffled thud, Connor landing next to you in less than a second. You walked, well more likely trudged through the snow, back to the main path that you both followed back to the Homestead. You and Connor walked in a comfortable silence side by side, you gazing around at the scenery and Connor sneakily checking out the 'scenery,' which means he was just watching you the whole time out of the corner of his eye.

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