It finally happened

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"Hey, it finally happened!" "I got my visa approved. " 

He had waited for some time, saving and scrimping every red cent for a $150 shred of paper. This legal document would be his gateway to a new world, a new life, and a new nation. Brasil had become a publishers boon. Now that public education had received a new life, a nation held in illiteracy for centuries and public schools that had become little "cracklands".  But every educator, librarian, and publishing company wanted in on a $30 billion dollar a year industry just in Brasil.  Now that the middle  The demand outweighed the supply for knowledge even with most people having no access to running water or flush toilets. Everyone wanted to English. 

"Mom,  I am getting out of here!" Schools here in the USA are falling apart. I am tired of these shits just acting stupid. I want to work in a library and I want to work in Brasil. Besides the women are prettier. No offense Mom. " "No son, I am not upset." "Things are not as easy in the USA. Even being born here and I have had a good life and much fun, I know you are far from happy. With the talents you have, you might as well go where the work is." 

It had been three years since Dade had met Thais. She moved with a gait unlike any woman he had ever known or dated. Swift with a dash of gentile swagger. Normally, such a woman was far off limits and out of his league. Yet, when Dade walked up to Thais in British Lit 340, she was as friendly as a gal from the corn fields of Iowa. 

"Hi, I'm Dade. Where are you from? Germany?" 

"A little closer to home mister she replied with a gentle smile."

"Ok, I give up. Just tell me." 

"Brasil. The only place on earth where God exists." 

Dade laughed and thought that was the strangest reply he had ever heard. "God exists if you believe in Him in your heart." "Well, Mister, then you have never been to Brasil have you?"

After a moment of conversation with Thais about an essay about Jayne Eyre , he had a sudden urge to ask her for a cup of coffee.   "Do you want to study with me or study me? Coffee at 9:00 p.m. gives us the energy for both if you want"  she breathed in reply." 

"Sure, that sounds nice." 

Months had passed since then. By the years end, they moved into an apartment and became exclusive.  Each had passion for each other unmatched even  by the strongest heat of fire. Thais had a nick name for Dade of: "Geito".  So Thais and 'Geito' finished their degrees and became teachers. Yet, they each ended up in the worst parts of Detroit Public Schools at the time. Nothing prepared them for students coming in with guns, rocks, or scissors. Anything and everything could become a weapon for some poor souls destiny to end. Banged up against lockers as a teacher was something Dade could no longer tolerate.  He hated teaching. 

"I am sick of this shit!" These students are fucking assholes. You cannot physically harm them. We have to call home and record it like a secretary and then hope their parent spanks them! Half of these kids just need correction before they have to face law and corrections. " 

Thais did not know what to think. She worked with kindergarten. She thought he was being too dramatic. 

"Maybe we should break up, she replied." 

"Whoa! Thais, what do you mean? I am just venting!" 

"Men do not speak with thoughts. Only with actions." 

"Bullshit! Voce nao sabe que quiere!" 

"Ok that is it! No one says that to me! 

So, Thais drove off in the Corvette. Dade took his Ford F-150. It was a car chase that was not supposed to happen. As soon as Thais entered I-696, a semi-truck careened into the front of her Corvette. Smash. Her almond-white skin, soft brown curls, and shapely breasts were nothing more than a memory." The semi-truck totaled her vehicle and Thais. A tragedy that never should have happened. Dead on arrival to Detroit Receiving Hospital. Her family received a settlement of $18.1 million dollars. Due to being unmarried and now heartbroken he had nothing but sadness...and an addiction to Brazilians. Something had to be done. 

He applied to the CIA. Perhaps Dade thought they needed a spy. After all South America was a crossroads for drugs and terror. But Dade had done much soul-searching even before Thais and her unexpected death. Teaching was not as enriching nor well-paying. 

It was time for a change. 


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