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Random arguments I've had with people

Conversation 1.

Person: Now that's cringeworthy

Me: You find everything cringe-worthy.

Person: Shut up faggot, don't act like you know me

Me: At least I can come up with an original insult .

Person: Fuck off

Me: Nah.

Person: Leave me alone

Me: You're the one responding, and I'm bored, so I like morons trying to insult me.

Person: Fuck you.

Me: Sorry, I don't fuck assholes.


Conversation 2

Me: Did you know of the magical website called google? I'd advice you check it out, it can answer questions without posting a thread that has been made a thousand times. ;)

Person: shut the hell up. stop acting like you're better then everyone. newsflash you aren't.

Me: I didn't say I was better then everyone, but for the record. At least I know how to use google.


 Conversation 3

 Person: Faggot.

 Me: >2016

 >Still using faggot as an insult

 Person: And?

 Me: Oh nothing, lemme' tell you something, don't ever become a comedian.

 Person: Why?

 Me: Because you couldn't come up with anything original.

 Person: Fuck off you autistic asshole.

 Me: Just proved my point buddy.

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