Xmen Evolution: Crystal Reflections

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I walk through the time tunnel, and stop just before the light. I take a breath, and step forward. The light recedes from around me, and I gesture with one hand, closing off the worm hole I just made.

I was in the 21 century, and I was a goddess.

I walk to the top of the parking ramp, and wait.

And wait...

And wait...

Finally, I blow a frustrated steam of hot air. 'I should have never gotten directions from HIM.' I frustratedly think. 

I crane my head around the wall impatiently.

Oh. I spot a lady walking her dog, frozen in mid stride.

'Oh. Oops.' I chuckle, rubbing the back of my head, embarrased. 'I guess I shouldn't complain about his directions, since it is my own mistake of not restarting the time flow...'

I clap my hands, and announce, "Time in!" And the flow of time whistles around me like a cold winter wind. I shiver. 'I'll need to work on this...' I muse. I'm still not used to this goddess stuff... i doubt I ever will be...' 

I shake my head, scolding myself! 'Focus, girl! Now's not the time!' I quietly watch a tumble weed made from a crumpled up Mc. Donald's bag skitter across the ground infront of me. 

'Well, at least I know the time flow's working fine. Glad I got that right...' 

'Now,' I thought smugly, 'my priority will arrive soon.'

I step into the shadows and wait.

5 minutes passed.

I sniff experimentally. 'He's close. Good. I can't stand here long...'

Just at the right moment, I stick my foot out, and the bike that just passes hits my foot, and flips, sending the rider went flying.

*Wham!* The man hits one of the sidebars on the parking ramp, and uses it like a balance beam to straighten out, landing on the ground feet first.

Snarling, he lurches at me, revealing metal claws.

"What the #@!!%* are you doing bub!" He roars. "That was my bike!!!"

I easily dodge his sloppy attempt at skewering me, swaying from side to side. I sigh, thinking, 'Wow, this one has a lot to learn... As fun as this is, I better stop this before it gets out of hand.'

I hold up my hands and say, "Peace Warrior. I have no quarrel with you." I pause. "In fact, I have a job for you."

"What?!" Bellows tha man. "You destroyed my bike for a stupid job?! Rahhgh!"

He leaps at me again. This time, I point my hand, and a bright blue light touches his body, and freezes him.

"Wah, what is this, some kind of sorcery! Let me go, you witch!" yells the man, attempting to struggle. 

'He's really starting to irritate me...' My eye twitches, and i snap at him, my voice razor sharp. "Enough! I have had it with your short temper! You will either listen now, or suffer the consequences in the future!"

The man stops growling, and cocks his head at me. He narrows his eyes at me. "Future you say? What the h*ll do you mean by that bub?"

"Will you behave this time and listen to me?" I icily inquire, my hands on my hips. 

"Rrr... Fine..." He mutters. 

Satisfied with his answer, I free him from the ice; all but his torso, arms and feet.

Xmen Evolution: Crystal ReflectionsWhere stories live. Discover now