Chapter 2-Desperate Times Desperate Measures

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I was shaking from head to toe as my heart rate quickened. I tried to measure my breathing as I feel the throbbing pain coming from my head. It seems so surreal as I'm pulled up by a pair of arms. I try to move or fight back but my body is paralyzed and my senses are wacky. In moments like these you like to pretend it's all a dream or some variation of your fantasies. But this time I was far from imagination or even a line of daydreaming. I felt the pain clear and I heard my breathing inside the small black cloth my face was confined in.

Being thrown down to a carpeted floor definitely proved such doubts of reality. I was for sure awake and for sure just kidnapped. I hold out my hands to protect me from falling to the floor and when footsteps come towards me I feel more at risk.

"Oh do take the bag off of her head. Oh goodness the poor child she is probably scared out of her wit." The women's voice sounded somewhat like an echo but I blame that on my headache. When the black bag is removed, my eyes shut due to the excessive amount of light. The blurred flashes appear when I open them up but soon vanish after a few blinks of my eyes, which most probably looked like a horrible eye twitch.

When my eyes had adjusted it was not the site I had expected. Of course when one is kidnapped it's usually to awaken in a cell or metal basement of some sort. But what I encountered was curious and different. It looked homey and big, oh very big. It was obviously one living room in a huge house with multiple rooms. I look around a few more times to take all of it in. Including the well dressed man and woman who stand in front of me. From where I am it looks like I am groveling at their feet.

When I finally was able to retrieve my senses, I jumped to my feet and stared my captors in the face. They didn't seem like mass murderer's who practice some weird form of baby genocide. No, they looked sad and in some way desperate. It was odd yet I could not help my own inquisitiveness in which of course 'killed the cat'.

"Hello dear" I jumped back as the woman spoke. I of course had every reason to do so, I mean these people just kidnapped me. I search my surroundings for some sort of way to defend myself but find nothing that can help me in my situation.

"What do you people want?!", I found my anxiety kicking in already as my fingers became jittery and I somewhat yelled.
"Just try to calm down sweetheart, we will explain everything. Just please calm down", the woman reached for me. I backed away instantly and did not let her touch me. I was not going to act like this was okay. Or that I could just have tea and cookies with these random people.

"No!" I was definitely screaming now as I tried to back away further. But of course the wall just had to be right where I intended to find sanctuary. After what seems like a long  silence the man seated on the sofa speaks up, "we need you for a special job. You have to help us". I took notice to his good looks even though age had touched him. The woman was also beautiful and she matched her beauty with wonderful clothing.

They were in no doubt very wealthy and what they could possibly need me for slipped from my grasp. I could not see why they would be so desperate for my help. So desperate that they decided to kidnap me off the streets.

"Of course I told you Maria that the hair is a problem. And the eyes.. I'm sure a blonde will do and maybe blue eyes" the man spoke this in a hush voice to his, what I assumed, wife. My eyes widened at this. What were they planning? Whatever it was it did not sound pleasant.

"No, No we tried a blonde already! We need someone different. She's perfect. And very beautiful", they spoke as if I was not in the room. It put me on edge and I could not find ease as I listened to their conversation as an outsider.
"Please, just let me go I swear I won't tell" this was obviously a lie. I was just doing what people in movies did. I never actually thought I would be kidnapped by a weary old married couple.

"No, dear we can't you see we really need your help. Our son he well...", she stopped herself there and I suddenly felt nervous. This could not be good and I definitely didn't want to stay to find out the rest of that sentence.
"He's down right mental!" The man yelled this out loud as if he meant for the neighbors to hear as well. Maria scolded him silently as he cursed In a different language.

"What do you mean he's mental?" Somehow my inner therapist was kicking in and I knew that meant trouble. It couldn't be good that I felt curious.
"I knew she was perfect! Please don't hate us too much darling but we have our fingers crossed for you. All you have to do is fix him." Fix him? I was so confused as to why I needed to fix him. Why couldn't they just stick him in a psych ward?

I look down into the fire to find answers but the flickering flame does not speak. Of course this was nuts. It couldn't be possible that this was the reason they had taken me captive and well intended to give to someone mental. I look around but the living room only seems to lead into another hall. If I ran I could get lost. Or worse.

"I won't do it!" It was the best thing I could do and if bringing out the big girl pants could do something to turn the tables so fate was on my side, then so be it.
"Oh it's not a choice" the man whose name I do not know yet, says this. Of course!

"We just need you to try and fix him. Please dear" Maria spoke sweetly as though she could barely live with such a thought as to what she was presently doing.
"What will happen if I fail?", if I fail maybe they will let me leave and realize that I was a bad choice. I wait for their answer but when she speaks I wish I had not asked.

"Let's just hope you don't", my heart beat escalated when these words were spoken and I could find no way to describe the cold feeling that filled me up from head to toe. Nothing is said before I feel a small pinch on the right side of my neck and once again I am greeted with..darkness.


My mind was spinning and I could not open my eyes right away. It was as though my eyelids were bricks and heavy ones at that. I couldn't move my limbs either. Only my fingers twitched. A cold draft ran up my legs and I questioned this as my arms started to get their feeling back. I was on the floor, that much was said.

I try and shake other parts of my body as the drug wears off. When my eyes can finally work with my brain I open them slowly. I do not have to shut them again because it is dark in this room that I lay in. I feel the floor underneath me and am surprised it is tile. Tile is usually for kitchens or bathrooms and this did not look like a bathroom.

I touched my head and found that my hair tie had somehow fallen out and my hair lay underneath me. My weird curly/wavy blue hair out isn't the only odd thing. When I finally find the strength to push myself up I find I am no longer in my clothing. In fact I am in some sort of dress. Very short dress which my breast are too big for. It's laced and white and my feet are in nude heels. I was dressed obviously to impress but that was not the case.

I pushed myself up and tried to stand using the kitchen counter to help me out. But my legs were too week and I could not stand. It was raining outside, I could tell because of the window near the stove. It was a storm and the rain sounded as though it could shatter the glass. The kitchen was of course beautiful and new. It wasn't as grand as the man and woman's living room but it was grand enough.

Footsteps interrupted my thoughts and I found myself lifting to my knees. I could not see the figure through my blurry vision and the darkness did not help. But once he came towards me, he struck me hard.

I felt the pain go numb as my brain got fuzzy. And once again I was faced with darkness.

Second chapter! How was it? please let me know what you guys think!
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