"Have a good day at school, Gabi!" Wilmer exclaimed once he had rolled his window down and Gabi was walking towards her middle school. From the passenger seat, Demi was snapping as many pictures as she could and trying to keep her tears at bay because she had promised herself and Wilmer that she wouldn't cry just because her baby was growing up.
"Bye!" Gabi waved to her parents one more time before she disappeared into the school building and Wilmer rolled the window back up. Demi sighed and locked her phone as she relaxed back in the passenger seat of Wilmer's car.
"What now?" She asked, because that was the most obvious thing to ask. What now? They had dropped their daughter off at school, now what were they supposed to do? They had sex last night for the first time in such a long time, things had obviously changed, so now what was going on between them? Would they stay divorced? Would they confront the Eiza problem? Or would they just pretend that nothing ever happened?
"I honestly don't know," Wilmer replied as he began to drive more into town so that they could find some place to have breakfast. Eiza had been blowing up his phone all night, and he had barely said two words to her when he went home to change his clothes. He didn't have anything to say. Words couldn't even describe how infuriated he was with her for putting her hands on his daughter. Demi didn't hit her. He didn't hit her. So why did Eiza feel like she had the right to? He understood it was a disciplinary thing but that was honestly not her place.
"Listen, if you just wanna forget about last night-"
"I don't. Last night was the best night that I've had in a long time...in five years," Wilmer admitted, lightly placing his hand on the inside of her thigh as her face flushed red but she shook her head at herself. She had known him for more than fifteen years but he could still make her blush like when she was seventeen.
"We have to think about Gabi...and Eiza. We're legally divorced Wil. And maybe we're blinded by how good we feel right now. Maybe we need to step out of our emotions," Demi reminded him, trying to see the logical side of things. He was usually the logical one but Demi wanted to be logical too. She didn't want to think with her heart. She didn't want to go through another divorce. She knew that Wilmer would always be the only man that she would truly love, but was it the same for him? And was love enough?
Gabi POV
"Why weren't you at practice yesterday?" Her best friend in the entire world, Jasmine, asked as we walked to our lockers. Jasmine had to explain the entire school to me and show me where everything was since I missed the first day yesterday. I kind of knew where everything was because I went to orientation, but I was glad that I had Jasmine there for help.
"I was with my parents," I answered as I opened my locker. It was kind of hard because I wasn't used to the combination lock but I eventually opened it. I would get used to it the more that I used it.
"Because we spent the day as a family. Can I tell you something?" I asked. I can usually tell Jasmine anything but we were in middle school now and I didn't know if things had changed. I didn't want her to be a blabber mouth and tell my parents' business because then I would get in trouble and being in trouble with my parents was no fun.
"Yeah, anything."
"I think my parents are gonna get back together," I said with a smile on my face.
"Oh well that's good. So are they both coming to the competition this weekend?"
"I sure hope so!" And I hope I was right. I hope my parents get back together and stay together forever. And I hope Eiza goes away too. It's been five years. Her time is up.
"Hey baby girl!" My mom exclaimed as she saw me come out of school. Yes my mom is one of those parents: the ones who wait at the school for twenty minutes before school is actually dismissed. I didn't used to care about it in elementary because I thought it was so cool that my mom, the superstar Demi Lovato, was picking me up from school. But everyone else had drivers and stuff and none of their parents were waiting outside for them.
"Hi mom," I greeted, letting her hug me because I know that she had missed me today. I'm not being conceited but me and my mom spend a lot of time together so I don't know what she does while I'm at school.
"How was your day?"
"Can we talk about it in the car? It's hot out here," I whined, and mom nodded before opening the door for me. But I wasn't expecting to see my dad in the driver's seat.
"Dad, what are you doing here?" I asked as I threw my backpack to the ground and mom got in the car too. They both looked happy. Too happy. I wonder when they're gonna tell me that they're getting back together.
"I can't pick my daughter up from school?"
"Nope!" I said with a giggle as I buckled my seatbelt in and dad drove off.
"Well I'm offended. I guess I won't go with you to your competition this weekend," Dad said with a sigh as my eyes widened. It wasn't that my dad didn't support me but he usually didn't go to my competitions because I traveled a lot and Eiza always whined about him leaving. He said he would never choose her over me but sometimes it felt like he did.
"You're coming with us?" I squealed. I was really excited for him to see me dance. He's always complaining about how much he pays for me to dance as if he doesn't have millions of dollars sitting in the back. I wanna show him that all of his money is well worth it.
"Yeah nena. Just me, you, and your mom." That meant that there would be no Eiza. That meant that my parents would be alone because I was staying in a hotel room with my friends. That meant that they could finally tell me that they were back together this weekend. I was suddenly super excited about competition.
"Gabi, do you want to sit with me or your friends?" Since my parents had a private jet, me and the competition team always used it when we had to travel. In each row there were only two seats and I usually always sat by my mom because I went to sleep on her but my dad is here this time and I really need them to bond and realize that they're soul mates. So I'll sit with Jasmine even though she plays her music too loud.
"No, I'll sit with Jasmine! Let dad sit next to you!" I snatched my pillow and my blanket up and went to the back where Jasmine was. She was already playing her music and she was already sleeping because she didn't like flying and she said we left too early in the morning. We're going to Arizona.
"Okay..." I plopped down but peeked between the seats to see the two of them sitting next to each other. But the armrest was down between them. How could they cuddle with the armrest between them? This was clearly gonna be harder than I thought.
"Well you don't have rehearsal until later so I was thinking that we could all go get some lunch?" Mom suggested once we had checked into the hotel and got settled into our rooms. I was in the room next door with Jasmine, Alyssa, and Kayla, but mom and dad were sharing a room. It had two beds though.
"Can I stay here and swim?"
"Can you and dad just bring me something back? Please!" I begged, poking out my bottom lip and widening my eyes a little bit. Puppy dog eyes work much better on my parents now that they're divorced.
"Come on hermosa. I know a great place we can go to." Dad placed his hand on mom's lower back and handed her purse to her. He always used to call her "hermosa" when they were married. Maybe getting them back to how they used to be wouldn't be so hard after all...