Since I'm in middle school now we have to take health class. Well that's what my teachers call it. Everyone else calls it sex education. I'd rather call it health class. Today we're learning about pregnancy and stuff. I don't know why we have to learn about this stuff because I don't think any of us are gonna go through it for a while, but my teacher says that we have to. They separated the boys and girls so after lunch I got a seat next to Jasmine and waited for the lesson to start.
I was so excited for my abuelo to come up this weekend. I see my grandparents all the time but when they come to see me, mom and dad are forced to hang out together because abuelo says it's a waste of time for him to go spend time with dad then spend time with me and mom. So my parents are gonna be together all weekend whether they like it or not.
"So who knows what happens when a woman gets pregnant?" Mrs. Steiner, our health teacher, asked. I don't like this class. I don't like learning about this stuff and I bet if I whined to my mom she would eventually go to the principal and demand that they take me out of the class. But I didn't wanna seem like a spoiled brat so I stuck it out.
"Well, when a woman gets pregnant, she experiences a lot of symptoms that she wouldn't normally experience. First of all, she doesn't have a menstrual cycle. Do you all remember what that is?" We nodded because we learned about it last week.
"Good. Not only that but during the first few months of her pregnancy, she experiences morning sickness. They call it morning sickness but it happens all day long. It's when she becomes nauseated and usually throws up, and this doesn't go away for a while. She also may experience cravings and mood swings. Pregnant women love combinations of different foods, like sweet and salty foods. They experience mood swings because the hormone levels in their bodies are rising. And this is just in the first trimester."
I couldn't even listen to my teacher for the rest of class. Mom had been getting sick a lot, but after throwing up she would always say that she was fine and she would be until she threw up again. When I walked downstairs the other day she was eating pickles and Nutella. Mom doesn't even like Nutella. Not only that, but she has been a little bit moody lately...well, more than usual. Like last week when she yelled at me for leaving my dance bag by the door, which I always do, but then came upstairs and cuddled with me a few minutes later.
Oh my God. My mom is pregnant.
"Look, Demi, I'm sorry about last night," Wilmer apologized as he got into the driver's seat and I got into the passenger's seat. Of course he was sorry. He was always sorry. But his stupid apologies weren't gonna fix anything because I'm still pregnant and he's still married.
"Whatever Wilmer. Let's just go. I don't wanna be late," I said, fastening my seat belt and closing my eyes as he drove off. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. I was up all night pondering this stupid situation that I put myself in. I was pregnant with my ex husband's baby and he was married. The tabloids would have an absolute field day with this. I just can't believe that I allowed this to happen. I know it's not all my fault but part of it is.
"We're here," Wilmer said, quickly getting out of the car so that he could help me out. I tugged down on the leather cap on my head and secured my sunglasses as we walked into the doctor's office. I still had the same doctor that guided me through my pregnancy with Gabi. I'm sure she'd be surprised that I was pregnant again with Wilmer's child when we went through such a public divorce.
"Demetria Lovato?" One of the nurses called me back and when we made it into the hallway and the door closed, I took off my sunglasses and gave her a polite smile.
"First we need a urine sample so you can use that bathroom right there. When you're done just label it and leave it on the table. Then change into this gown. You'll be in room four," the nurse explained as she handed me the cup and a pink gown. I nodded and Wilmer took my purse as I went into the bathroom and did my business. I folded my clothes after I put the pink gown on then met Wilmer in room four.