Chapter 11

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"So it's twins?!" Kurt asked Jeff excitedly as they were changing for gym.

"Yeah. Nicky and I couldn't be more happy." Jeff said smiling. "In a couple weeks we'll find out genders. I'm so excited!" Kurt smiled at the blonde's enthusiasm. Neither boy noticed that their was someone else in the locker room.

"So Sterling's just another knocked up little fag." the boy thought. "We'll see how long that lasts." The boy left, quietly so as not to alert Kurt and Jeff someone had heard them.

"So Nick's excited?" Kurt asked, completely oblivious to the fact that soon everything would start to fall apart.

"He was so happy, Kurt. Honestly, I haven't seen him smile that big since our first date.", Jeff said, smiling.

"And the morning sickness is getting better?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah, Doctor Ellis gave me some medicine to help with it." Jeff said. The bell rang.

"See you later, Kurt!" Jeff called, as he ran out the door toward his next class. When he got there Nick was waiting for him.

"Hey, babe." he said, giving Nick a kiss.

"Hey. How's everything going?" Nick asked.

"Good." Jeff said smiling at his boyfriend.

"Good." Nick said smiling back.

Two weeks later, and it was finally time for Nick and Jeff to find out the genders of the babies. Jeff looked at his phone. It was time to go.

"Nicky! Come on we gotta go!" Jeff called across the gym to his boyfriend. He then raced toward the locker room.

He hopped in the shower to quickly rinse the sweat off before he and Nick left. He wrapped his towel around his waist, rubbing his bump lovingly. He walked out of the shower stall, and turned to the locker room.

"So it's true, the fairy boy is knocked up." Jeff turned to see Karofsky.

"What do you want, Karofsky?" Jeff asked. He backed towards the lockers more, but Karofsky followed.

"I want you and all the rest of your faggy friends to stop. Your disgusting, and your poor kids are gonna have to live with that their whole lives.", Karofsky said.

"Well, at least my kids will be loved, and not just have some ignorant asshole as a dad." Jeff said. Karofsky pushed Jeff into a locker. Jeff winced as the lock hit his back.

"What did you just say to me Sterling?", he asked menacingly.

"You heard me." Jeff said angrily. "Your an ignorant asshole. Just like the rest of this fucking town. You can't respect people for who they are. You love who you love it shouldn't matter. But to the rest of the damn world it does matter for some damn reason. But you know what I say to you and you opinion, Karofsky?" Jeff paused for a moment, then leaned right in the other boys face. "Fuck it."

Karofsky growled, and grabbed Jeff by the shoulders. He threw Jeff into the lockers on the other side of the aisle. Jeff slid down to the ground. As his world grew black he felt a searing pain go through his stomach. Almost like, a contraction?!

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