Chapter 1

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"What do you do when your in love with your best friend? It's not like you can tell him. He's straight. Sure he excepted you being gay, but that doesn't mean he'll suddenly be gay.", Nick thought. He looked longingly at his best friend Jeff Sterling. Nick and Jeff had been best friends since they were thirteen. Jeff stood up to some guys who were picking on Nick, because he came out as gay at school. Freshman year they had transferred to Dalton Academy together. Nick wasn't quite sure when he had started liking Jeff as more than a friend. But how could he not? Jeff was sweet, and kind, funny, and undeniably sexy. Nick felt his heart flutter as Jeff laughed at something Samantha said. And there was the root of Nick's problem....Samantha. Jeff's girlfriend. Nick honestly wished he could hate her. It would make his life so much easier, but Samantha was really sweet and nice, and, in all honesty, perfect for Jeff. Nick watched as Jeff gave Sam a quick peck on the lips before walking back to him.

"So you ready to go to Algebra?", Jeff asked Nick, shaking him from his thoughts.

"Am I ever ready to go to Algebra?" he asked. They chuckled, and walked down the hall together.

The rest of the day was pretty boring. Jeff and Nick passed notes in class, and hung out after class. Then it was time for Jeff to go. He had a date with Sam tonight. He looked at the clock on Nick's side table.

"Crap! I've gotta go get ready!" he said jumping off the bed. He missed the flash of pain in Nick's eyes. "Wish me luck, Nicky!" he said, smiling as he opened the door.

"Good luck, Jeff!" Nick said, forcing as much sincerity into his voice as he could. Jeff was to oblivious to notice how upset Nick seemed. He smiled at his friend and closed the door. Nick sighed, and lay back on his bed. Why did he have to fall in love with his best friend?

At some point Nick fell asleep. He was awoken by a pounding on his door. He opened up the door to his dorm room, and was shocked to see Jeff. He was about to ask him what he was doing there, but he then noticed the look in his eyes. He opened the door wider to let Jeff in. They sat down on Nick's bed. Nick decided to start. "What happened, Jeffy?"

"Sam cheated on me." Jeff said his voice cracking. Nick felt his heart break. Why would she cheat on some one as beautiful, and wonderful as Jeff?

"Oh, Jeffy." he pulled Jeff into a hug.

"Do you know what she told me when I asked her why she did it?" Jeff said. Nick waited to hear the answer. "She said she just wanted to know what it felt like to date someone dumber than her." Jeff had started full out sobbing. Nick just held him, and rubbed his back. Jeff had never been the smartest. He had some troubles with school, and he didn't always follow common sense, but Nick wouldn't call him dumb. Everyone had their flaws. It was what made people human.

After a while Jeff pulled away from Nick.

"Thanks, Nicky." he said softly.

"Sure." Nick said smiling. "Are you gonna be okay?"

Jeff nodded. They gazed into each others eyes. Jeff felt himself start to lean forward. He jumped up.

"Night, Nicky!" he squeaked, running out the door. Nick stared at the door. What had just happened?

Meanwhile Jeff lay in bed, thinking.

"What was I thinking?! I don't like Nick that way. Do I? I'm straight! Aren't I? I had a girlfriend! Who dumped you....." he groaned in frustration. He thought about Nick. How Nick was always there for him. Nick always knew exactly what he needed. How he and Nick both loved lots of the same things, including singing. How Nick made him join the Warblers. How gorgeous Nick had looked when Jeff told him he would join the Warblers.... Wait what?


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