Chapter 5

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'One more minute Rima, one more minute.' I tell myself. I seem to be more tired than I expected. Oh, I just remembered! I'm NOT a vampire. I glance at the clock. 10:59....... 11:00!!! Kaname walked to the table and picked up a small bell. He rung it." Ok. Go to your rooms. I'll be checking to see if your rooms are tidy." He told us. Ruka stood up and looked at me. "Come on." She said I nod and follow. As I walk through the space between the desks to the front, I felt someone's hand grab my wrist.I turn myself around and look. It was Kaname. He then said to me, " Are you felling alright? You seem really tired." I nod. He lets go of my wrist. I look back. Ruka is still waiting at the door. Suddenly I see a face pop up beside Ruka. I might have known, Rio. I turn back at Kaname. "By the way, keep your room tidy. In half an hour I'll be coming to every single room to inspect." He said. He turned around and walked away.

"That just sounds perverted." I say to Ruka. Rio is walking beside me, but she wasn't talking. I nudge her with my elbow. "You ok?" I ask. She says "Sorta." I nod briefly and look forward. We are all walking in the long corridor. Ruka opened our room door. Ruka sits on her bed and opens a book and starts to read. I flop on my bed and look at my necklace. I then stand up and go over to the wardrobe that I put my phone in. I take my phone out and open it. I start texting my parents. I hear the door open from next door. I hear people murmuring. I ignore it and continue texting. Thinking about my parents makes me emotional. I hope they visit one day.

Dear mum and dad,
I don't really feel comfortable being in the night class....... But the school is great! Otherwise.
I love you very much and I also miss you guys a lot.
From Rima

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