Part 4

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I got ready for school this morning and left my phone off. I can't deal with anything like that right now. I was already so nervous about stiles and what he thought of me. Allison gave me a ride to school and I told her everything, "OMG, you two would make such a cute couple" she squealed. I hit her in the arm blushing like crazy. "He has history with Lydia though" she explained this to me. I hope he doesn't just like me because I look like Lydia.

When I got to school I tried to avoid Stiles as much as possible, but he was in almost all my classes. He kept Glancing back at me and we made awkward eye contact. We both have a free period this class and I hope I don't run into him. I tried to hide out somewhere. So I went to the music room. There was a georgeous grand piano in the middle and I sat down by it.

I love music so much. I started playing the song Salvation on piano and started singing it. I was a really good singer but, I'm too shy, and no one has ever heard me sing.

My salvation, my, my
My salvation, my, my
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh

I finished the song and was just humming while playing the keys. I must have been really into it because when I turned around I saw Stiles. I turned red and was really embarrassed.
"How long were you there" I ask cringing. "Long enough to know your amazing" he replied. Stiles no I'm not I'm horrible and now you've heard, and I'm just, ugh" I was SO red at this point and walked out of the room. "Molly wait!" He called after me. I ignored him. He grabbed my shoulder. "Molly I need to talk to you" this is what I was trying to avoid. "What are we Molly?" He asked "What do you want us to be stiles?" I asked

Stiles P.O.V

When Molly kissed me last night I felt fireworks. I really like her. I just hope she feels the same way. When I heard her sing, it was so soothing and mesmerizing. I asked her about what are we. She asked me what I wants us to be. " I want to know how you feel about me" I replied. She looked at me with sad eyes, "Okay Stiles I can't take this anymore, I really like you". I was in awe, no one likes me. " I like you too" I said but she was already gone. At the end of the day I looked for her. She went somewhere with Allison. I was on my way home when I saw a car flipped on the side of the road, that was Allisons car and Molly was in it too.

I called 911, and Scott and their families. I went in the Ambulance with
Molly. Allison was fine. Molly wasn't, she was badly hurt. I waited for her to wake up in the hospital and her family said to go home, but I couldn't, not until she was awake. When she woke up I hugged her. She was crying. She whispered " You're always saving me" and she flatlined. " I screamed for a nurse or doctor. They pushed me out of the room. A nurse came out later with heavy eyes, I was crying. "She is stable, you can see her now" she said to me. I practically ran into her room and I said to her what I did in school "I like you too Molly" and she coughed and laughed.

She got out of the hospital later that week and I checked on her all the time. I wanted to ask her on a date because I know she likes me but it's too soon after the accident.

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