Part 2

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     I woke up extra early today and got myself ready for my first day at beacon hills. I put my hair into a French braid, put on some ripped high waisted shorts, a short lace black crop top and threw on a brown cardigan and some converse. I don't really wear make up and I looked pretty cute. I drove my black Jeep Wrangler into the parking lot and got ready for my junior year here. I got my schedule and my face went pale white. I saw him in the hallway. The nameless neighbor I practically flashed myself to. He winked at me and went God knows where. I walked off to my first class which was Economics with Mr. Finstock. A brunette from behind me comes out of nowhere and hugs me. "Lydia!" I didn't know what to do. She quickly realized and apologized. "OMG I'm sorry!" " I thought you were my friend Lydia!" " it's okay" I said laughing. "Hey you must be new here let me take you to your next class. She flashed a beautiful smile at me. I handed her my schedule and she was smiling "we have almost all the same classes" I think I just made my first new friend. "Allison Argent" she puts out her hand. "Molly Blake" I shook it and flashed a real smile. Something I haven't done in a while. Well at least a school.

       I walk into Econ and "coach" says to me "you must be our new student". I eye the room to see the nameless boy and Allison. Coach yells at me "go sit by lahey". I look at him with a confused expression not knowing who that is. "Right here princess a cute boy says with a grin" "okay" I sat where he patted. I saw the nameless boy look back many times with his jaw clenched making me smirk. I ask the boy apparently named Isaac, " who is that" I ask. He replies "Who... Stilinski, oh that's Stiles Stilinski...only the local weirdo. Coach didn't really talk all period which was odd. Isaac continued flirting with me all period and asked me to come watch him play lacrosse later. I said okay with a genuine smile stiles becoming furious each second.

         Stiles stopped me in the hallway. He looked at me up and down. "So I saw you yesterday" he said seductivley. "Oh yeah?" "And did you like what you saw" I sassed back causing him to smirk. "I don't know, I think you'll have to refresh my memory". Oh my god I thought to myself. No one even noticed me at my old school let alone BOYS! I grinned going in for what he thought would be a kiss and then walked away. I then saw a boy named Scott who Allison was dating that said to stiles "what are you doing?" Scott asked. Stiles almost fell over from Molly's empty presence and played with his flannel "nothing" he said annoyed.

      Stiles P.O.V

       I saw her at school. I was so excited. She looked like Lydia, a lot but she was different. I saw her flirting with Isaac and i was enraged with jealousy. I need to make my move I thought to myself. I tried to be smooth but ended up being dissed. She is so hot. This is going to be a challenge.

Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now