Chapter 1

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It's late at night and I'm still watching anime. I look at the clock and saw the time...

It's 2:54 am

....Just one more episode then I'll go to bed...

Suddenly I fell asleep leaving my Laptop On....


My alarm clock rings.....

"Criiinnnggg!!!!! Criiiiinnngggg!!!!"

I woke up then turn off the alarm

"Ughhh!!! This stupid alarm clock again"

I covered myself with my pillow.... What even day is it? Hmmm..... Let me think..... It's... Uhmmm.....

I open my phone and looked at the time and date

"Holy shhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! It's Monday!!!! "

I quickly Jump Out of my bed then go to the bathroom....after that I put on my school uniform and Brush my teeth

"Oh Kim...aren't you going to eat? "

"U-uhmmm...n-no thanks mom! Need to go bye love you!"

I quickly kiss my mom cheek then goes to the door and put my shoes on then I run to school

"Ughhhh!!! Why do it have to be like this???!!!!..... First day of school and I'm late!!!!!!"

I stop at the school gate and Look at the board where all the students name are there to see what section are them

"Kim Lev...Kim Lev....Kim...Lev..... Aha!!!! Kim Levi!!!! Section 2 "

"Oh crap...section 2 full of nerds... "

Ok..I'm not really that smart.... I only study because my mom won't let me watch anime til I got high grades...then that....I study hard just because of anime

I quickly run to my room
I heard my teacher said Ms.Levi


Yes right on time!!!

"Ms.Levi you are almost late good thing you made take a sit there at Mr.Eunel"

"Mr.Eunel? "

The teacher point on a black haired boy....Ohh he looks like a big nerd to me...

I sit beside him then listen to the teacher's discussion about the rules and regulations

I looked at his bag and saw an anime keychain...

" is that a kirito keychain?" I asked him

" "


I looked away and start thinking about something

Maybe he's an anime lover too....we'll be great friends

I giggled then he looked at me

" hey , are you a gamer? "

" a what? "

" a gamer, Are you? "

So he's a gamer not an anime lover my mistake

" no " I looked away then sighs

"Then why you know about this keychain? "

"O-ohhh that it's just because It's one of my favorite character in SAO"

When Ms.Anime Lover Meets Mr.GamerWhere stories live. Discover now