Surprise visit (Marco x reader)

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I stared at the computer screen blankly. Well, to be more exact it was the page in Word that was staring back at me. I was having a writer's block. Couldn't put down a single line. Sighing I glanced out of the window, looking at the slowly raising sun. It was already nine in the morning and I tried to put some words on paper, because I had a paper due to Monday. And today it was Saturday.

Shaking my head I closed my laptop deciding to go for a stroll. Today was one of those days when there was not a single cloud on the sky. It brightened my mood a little, to be honest. Humming to myself as I pulled my skinny jeans onto my legs I plopped down to put my shoes on.

After I locked the house I couldn't wait to get out. Not that I didn't like sitting inside behind the computer screen, but sometimes you need the break, right? It isn't healthy anyway. Smiling I watched few children run past me and toward the park that was just across from my apartment building. It was a desired destination for many families from across the city. Children could play and their parents watch over them, while they used up all the stored energy. It was a good trick to get your kid tired really quickly. A trick I'm keeping for the time being, when I'll need to use it.

Looking around the place I sighed contently. The gravel path was crunching underneath my feet as my eyes feasted on the greenery that was around me. I know the park very well, I go here on almost daily bases in summer to read, but it never ceases to amaze me.

I was so engrossed in my environment that I didn't notice the man walking in front of me and my face hit his back. A strangled "Auch," leaving my lips as my eyes closed with the stinging feeling in my nose. It was a matter of seconds before I realised that I had hit someone. My cheeks flushed as I stuttered a quiet:

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking,". The man only laughed at my shyness and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, with a cheeky grin. His face, rimmed with fair hair. The beard which grew almost to his chest was braided in two small braids. Chuckling at the sight I met his blue eyes. "Just like the sky" I thought before shaking my head to snap back into reality.

"...Marco." Was the only thing that I had managed to catch from his monologue. Feeling my face heat up I glanced down at his outstretched hand and gently put mine in his. His hand was ridiculously bigger than mine. Even if it was expected from a man. I felt so small compared to him.

"I'm Nele." I mumbled under my nose before looking at our interlocked hands. Seizing my hand he got the sign and let go off my hand, which I found surprising. So he was not only good-looking but a gentleman too? I questioned in my mind with amusement.

It was only then that I had noticed the group Marco was in. Three other males and one stunningly beautiful woman. One of them was even shorter than I was and had fair hair as well. The other two tall men had different hair and even eyes as well. The one that was standing to the right had black wavy hair and even an eye-liner as far as I could tell. Then it hit me. I knew who exactly was standing in front of me and I had trouble keeping my mind from being blown to smithereens. Why didn't I know they were coming to town? Cursing myself in my mind I smiled at them softly.

I could see Marco glance between me and the bad before pulling me aside which I found rather intriguing. Why would he want to do that? Looking up at him with questioning eyes, he just smiled as we walked. After we were from hearing distance from others he spoke:

"You know us, don't you?" he asked softly and I blushed softly and nodded.

"Yes, I was on couple of your concerts. I didn't expect you to come here." I mumbled before giggling softly. I couldn't believe it! I was talking to a member of my favourite band! And not just to anyone. The one I had a crush on too! Glancing at him I took in his beauty from this close, but as he looked at me I purposely looked away from him, which had him chuckle.

"You don't need to by shy, I'm kind of used to seeing girls go nuts around us." He hummed into my ear softly, which had shivers run down my spine. Looking up at him with my doe eyes I smiled softly.

"I'm not shy, I'm just trying not to go "nuts" as you say, near one of my favourite artists." I mumbled before feeling my cheeks heat up for what fifth time today? I wondered when I will get a nose bleed.

"Favourite artist?" he teased, before looking behind him at other members who were still waiting for him. Sighing softly he took hold of my hand and seized it. "I'm afraid I'll have to go. We are on tight schedule." He murmured before leaning down to kiss my cheek, which was still red as tomato.

Giggling softly I hesitantly reached with my arms forward wanting to hug him. Seeing my hesitation he pulled me into a crushing hug with a soft laugh.

"Make sure you come to our concert, tonight. Just say that I've invited you, they should let you through." He said softly before ruffling my hair. "I'm expecting to see you there, lovely."

» TIME SKIP brought to you by Emppu's cheeky fingers «

I was quite nervous just to say. I've never was invited to any concert and I was worried that the bodyguards will kick me out that I'm lying. Playing with the hem of my band T-shirt, which of course was Nightwish I smiled sheepishly at the bulky men. They were far taller than I was and their arms were double the size of my arm.

"Evening." I mumbled and looked up at the one to the left. He looked somewhat friendlier. Giggling softly to ease up the tension I gathered up the courage to say the sentence. "Marco told me that I should come here..."

The men exchanged glances. It was still half an hour till they have to go on the stage so the taller one of them disappeared inside, I guess to get Marco. My suspicions were correct when the blond haired man appeared in the doorway.

"You made it!" he smiled at her and pulled her inside. "Come on. You ought to meet the others before we go on stage." He said enthusiastically and dragged me over to one of the rooms labelled as dressing room. Blushing madly I stumbled behind him.

"Is this really necessary?" I mumbled as he entwined our fingers. He only laughed softly at me and opened the door. Julius was already stretching with drumstick in hands and I could hear Floor Jensen exercising her vocal cords.

"Is this the girl you met?" Tuomas asked with a snicker as I basically hid behind Marco. My face burning bright red. Marco's arms wrapped around me as he stood with a soft chuckle. His lips landing on my head.

"Yeah, isn't she gorgeous?" he mumbled. "And the plus is that she is close to my place." He smirked and winked at her. Julius laughed.

"So we won't be seeing you now?" he teased as he nudged him into his arm.

"Hei! It's my job to ask her out!" at that sentence I thought that being buried alive would be much better. It wasn't like I minded being asked out by the man I adored, but the embarrassment I was feeling. The steward that called for the band to get ready saved me and I thanked the heavens for that. We will have to talk this out with Marco.

All of a sudden I was feeling something moist and soft on my lips and when I opened my eyes I could see Marco's face pressed against mine, his lips on mine. Blushing brighter red I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer as I kissed back.

"Good luck." I whispered against his lips before letting him go onto which he chuckled.

"Make sure you come down to see it!" he called out from behind the corner as Jukka dragged him toward the stage. Giggling I waved before plopping down on one of the couches. My hand subconsciously moved over to my plump lips. I could still feel his pressing on them. I couldn't believe my luck, he just kissed me and was planning on taking me out! 

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