Shelby Bock

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The blood slithered down Alex's wrists as he dropped his arms and his blade. The cuts, they no longer helped him control the pain inside, these cuts were now just empty attempts at control. They weren't helping anymore. He needed something more powerful.

He scoffed down a few mouthfuls of vodka and leaped from his bedroom window into his backyard. He jumped over his back fence which led him on to a normally busy highway. He looked both ways as he paced across the dim lit roads. It wasn't as busy at night time.

He made it to the other side and had to jump a few more fences before he made it to his destination. He stood out front of a convenience store. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. Jason. That's the one. He presses the name and calls him.

"What the fuck do you want?" Jason answered aggressively.
"Anything." Alex replied.
"Same place?" Jason asked.
"Always." Alex hung up the phone and sat down in the gutter, waiting for his friend Jason to pull up.

A few minutes passed and Jason pulled up in a dirty little car smelling of smoke. Alex approached the car and Jason lowered the window. Jason handed him a bag.
"What is it?" Alex asked.
"It's good. And it's cheap." Jason coughed.
"Ice." Alex whispered.
"You know it." Jason coughed again, this time more violently.
"I don't know... Id rather just..." Alex was cut off.
"Take it or leave it kid!" Jason hissed.
Alex handed the bag back to Jason. Jason nodded as if to acknowledge that Alex wanted something else. He twisted back and grabbed something from the back seat. When he comes back around he holds out a pack of cigarettes to Alex. Alex goes to take them but Jason pulls away.
"I need something done." Jason looks around as to check for police.
"Tonight?" Alex asked.
"Mhmm. I need you to put someone out for me." Jason raised a gun into view. Alex hesitated.
"Who?" Alex asked.
"Shelby Bock. She isn't paying up in time. A bullet to the head will do." Jason explained.
Alex held his hand out. Jason placed the cigarettes in his hand. Alex pocketed them and takes the gun next. He shoves it down the back of his pants.
"Pleasure doing business." Jason nods his head and reverses.

"Shelby Bock... Shelby..." Alex mutters as he thinks to himself. He remembered a girl who had dropped out of school a couple of years before. She was in the year level above him. He knew her face, and he also knew how to find her.

With a few simple twigs and a bit of background research, Alex was standing in the driveway to Shelby Bock's house. It looked to have about three rooms and maybe a family room, nothing big, and the driveway was littered with McDonald's rubbish. Alex was hesitant about doing such an inhumane task, but it wasn't the first time he had done such a thing.

The first time was when he was fifteen years old. He was out late one night with a few friends, jumping roofs in a small country town. With most of them black out drunk, it wasn't easy to tell what was happening. One of Alex's friends nudged him jokingly as he stood on the edge of a rooftop. Alex, being an aggressive drunk, didn't take it lightly. He turned around and grabbed his friend by the shirt, he pinned him to the ground with his head dangling over the edge of the building.
"Wanna do that again!?" Alex would repeatedly asked.
His friend, worried for his life, continued to apologise.
"Wanna do that again!?" He asked once more, "I don't think so." He picked him up by his shirt, his friend grabbing for the floor with his feet. With one last push he fell, three whole floors, face first. He broke his neck that night. He would have survived as a paraplegic if they had of found him earlier but he wasn't found until the very next day, when he was already long gone.

That night still haunted Alex and he has never drunk alcohol around people since. But now here he was doing it again.

He wiggled the door handle to find that it was locked. He pulled out a paper clip. He folded it a few times then snapped it in half. He inserted the first half of the paper clip into the lock until it didn't move. He then inserted the second half until it went all the way in, then he ripped it out and the door unlocked itself. It was convenient for Alex to have a skill set like this in a situation like this.

He looked around the house, looking for things to take. There was a glass table with three seats around it in the room as he walked in. A dirty mirror was leant against the wall and an empty fish tank sat in the far corner. Minimum light made it inside, so Alex's eyes had a hard time adjusting to the darkness.

"Is someone there?" A females voiced called out.
Alex went to reply with no, but then realised how stupid that would be. He slowly and quietly went over to the table and hid beneath it. It may have been glass but in the light of that room, you wouldn't be able to see him.

Shelby came into the room, she had a torch and she shined it all around. At one point she shined it directly at Alex but she didn't seem to notice him. When she turned it off Alex thought it would be the perfect time to strike.

He pounced out from the darkness but she was ready. She turned around and put her right face square into his nose, knocking him back in surprise. She then kicked him in the gut and knocked him back onto the glass table which shattered on impact. Shelby seemed to take this as a sign for a break, but despite the numerous cuts in Alex's back he regathered himself rather quickly. He threw a few pieces of glass before picking up a chair and snapping it over her head. It was that blow that knocked her unconscious.

She laid there on the ground, breathing heavily. Alex picked glass from his back with great difficulty. He had lost the gun somewhere, he had dropped it when Shelby had kicked him. He kicked around at the glass until he felt his foot hit something much heavier. He picked it up but it wasn't the gun, it was a torch. He turned it on and fair enough the gun was right in front of him. He picked up the gun and walked over to Shelby to shoot her. He knelt down and placed the barrel of the gun on her temple.

Then he pulled away. The gunshot would be to loud. He needed some sort of silencer. Where had she come from before? Probably a bedroom? Maybe Alex could use a pillow. With the assistance of a torch he made his way around to the way in which Shelby had come. He found exactly what he was looking for. A pillow.

With the pillow in place as a silencer and the gun in place to finish the job. Alex questioned his morals.
"You're better than this Alex..." He spoke to himself.
"The first time was an accident..." Alex lied.
"You don't need..." Alex pulled the trigger and heard the bullet pierce the skull. He lifted the pillow to find blood dripping from her head. She was no longer breathing heavily.
"What the fuck have I done?" Alex shed a tear.

He left the house the way he had found it. Clean. Just without a table. And only two chairs. And a missing pillow. And more of Shelby's blood on the floor than actually inside her body. He also left a note on the bench that read, 'Sorry.' Alex didn't know if he did that out of sarcasm or because he felt bad, but he did it, and he wasn't prepared to turn around to add on to it. The job was done, the evidence was gone, Jason will be happy and Alex won't have to worry about any problems for a little while longer. As he walked away from the house, he pulled out a cigarette and lit it, placing it in his mouth. He inhaled. He held it there. He exhaled. Maybe that'll be the last time he had to kill someone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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