☀ seven

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j u n g k o o k

i suddenly woke up from my nap when my phone buzzed continuously. i reached out to grab it to stop the annoying noise. i unlocked it and i swear my heart almost skipped a beat when i saw areum's name popping up.

areum: ayo kookie why didn't you come to school today either? is something wrong? btw i miss you!
received; 4:17pm

i gazed at the text, thinking of what to say in reply.

jungkook: i wasn't feeling well in the last couple of days, no biggies. btw i miss you too :)x
sent; 6:04pm

i let a breath i didn't know i was holding as i leaned on the back of the bed. god why do you shake my heart? i sighed.

seconds later i heard my phone buzz again, notifying me that i received new texts.

areum: well, good to know you're okay.
received; 6:06pm

areum: btw i'm so excited to go to the prom. you won't believe who asked me out, PARK JIMIN himself!
received; 6:06pm

my heart dropped as i kept reading the texts over and over. i hesitated for a minute before i started typing.

jungkook: oh really? good for you. have fun bby :)
sent; 6:08pm

i sighed in frustration. to be honest i wasn't sure of my feelings towards her at that moment; i debated whether to move on and walk out of her life or to stay and act like nothing happened.

areum: thanks kookie i definitely will ;). btw who's going to prom with you?
received; 6:11pm

i froze in my place and panic started washing over me. i didn't ask anyone out yet, so i wasn't sure of what to answer.

jungkook: well, i haven't asked anyone yet so i'm debating whether to go or not.
sent; 6:12pm

i felt my hands get cold and sweaty as goosebumps made their way to my spine. she has this effect on me and i really hate that. i thought.

areum: you should go and ask someone out so we could go on a double date lol
received; 6:15pm

jungkook: haha that'd be kool lol
sent; 6:17pm

i sighed and turned the phone off. i forced myself to get up and head to the bathroom. i stared at my reflection in the mirror; my face was pale and there were visible bags under my eyes, probably from the lack of sleep. i walked away from the mirror and into the bathtub. i adjusted the water to make it slightly warm as i stepped into the bathtub and let myself drown in the water.

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