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As I opened my eyes from being enveloped by a bright light, I immediately searched for a mirror and when I took a look on my new body, I frown. Yes it's because I turned into a 3year old child with white hair and deep golden eyes. But it also meant that I could see my mother. I immediately went out of my room and was going to search for my supposedly mother. But then before I went outside, I heard some talking's and when I took a peak I saw my step father, yes this day and time is the exact day that the previous Vermillion saw his mother being taken by Demon lord Marcus.

As I watch my mother being taken by Marcus, I took a look on the village elder. And I saw that he was relieve. And upon seeing his relieve face it struck me (maybe this is the time and the turning of fates.) as I realized that after two years from today, Marcus would come back here again on this village and he will take me with him and will name me Vermillion. And of course it will be the time where jealousy and hatred will be born around my life.

I then made my resolve and decided to leave the village and go as far as I can until the fateful day has come to pass. As I finish my preparation and rations that I needed to bring with me I then slowly walk inside the forest, the further in I walked, the more the light behind me gave way to the blackness. it seemed that light cant penetrate this forest, since I am already on what I think is the center of the forest, which is the thickest part of this forest, giving me only about six feet of weak vision which revealed wet, damp brickwork occasionally invaded by the roots of trees breaking through the arched roof of the tunnel. Other than our nervous, echoing giggles there was not a sound until; suddenly the ground beneath me shook violently and there was a sound like heavy thunder behind me.

"Oh damn!"I mumbled. I should have waited another 2years before I made this daft idea. But then again I mumbled "It's not that bad I guess", not believing the words that had stumbled out of my mouth. The sight that faced me was nothing more than a vision of impending doom. 

The forest is now or rather almost completely covered in darkness, most of the darkness is blocking my field of vision which is weird because I found this little adventure of mine thrilling, in my excitement, For once I am again a young, and vulnerable children, and a fearless explorer if I may say so myself. Since I have a complete confidence in my magic. 

I made wind magic as my specialty. I can clearly remember the feelings that came over me when I first used my wind magic to cut my step mother up, and the main reason of my confidence is because I was sent back in this time and in this age, that means I am an irregular and it also means that there is now 4demon lords, the 4th one is me. And I could say that reason I was sent back by my father is to enjoy my life and live a full life...probably.

As I waited until my eyes adjusted from the darkness. I realized that I was not alone in this dark forest.(of course I am not alone in this forest, since this forest almost cover up 15% of land, and another 15% is plains and mountains. the rest of 70% is still undiscovered or rather unexplored by the people that I know of) since I have access to Vermillion's memories and it also seems I am him from the day I absorbed his soul, I can easily access such basic information about this world, and by the way the name of this world is Erthus, it has two moons, and it seems that Erthus is 10x larger than Earth.

As my eyes got used in the dark, I could now continue my...umm adventure?
Oh and the reason why I did not use a fire magic in order to make it easier for me to pass the forest is probably because I don't want to attract attention. I have learned it all from my previous life as a military commander, it seems the best way to avoid trouble is to not stand out. And holding a fire or casting it would make me the center of attention in this dark forest.

As I resume my walking, on and on i went, dodging the odd tree root or stumbling over the occasional, hole in the ground, or avoiding some branches that falls from the tree's I had a feeling that I am going down... but I just shrug it off because I though (huh? Why would I have a feeling of going down? I entered a forest not a cave...), and then I stopped because I heard below my feet there was a brittle crunch. As I looked towards my feet "oh shit" I said in a whisper. A moment of panic has hit me because, on the ground revealed rotting, and broken bones!

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