Chapter 7 - Travel on a Ship

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Somehow me and master Octavia appeared in a forest (this forest seems really familiar) as I pounder for a bit then realized, this forest is located just at the back of the castle. As I turn around, it really was there, the castle which my birthday party was being held at.

"Um...master Octavia why did you transport us near the castle and not immediately on Death Island?" as I ask her, I thought I saw her eyeing me all over and she looks like she was determining my worth.

Master Octavia licked her lips and said "Hmm you will do fine in a few years Josh and I hope you will satisfy me when the time comes" huh? Did I mishear master Octavia or something?
I felt a shiver ran down my spine and decided to ask master Octavia again for confirmation "Pardon me master, but what do you mean?"

Master Octavia then pulled me and whispered to my ear "oh you'll find out when the time comes" I then felt another cold shiver but this time, I was somewhat blushing because when master Octavia leaned towards me in order to whisper, I could see her ample breast (woa master has such a great breast and not to boot, she even has a great figure. I am glad that the master I chose is not some old granny) yes I did a research on the people who were living or has influence on Death Island and it just so happen that I saw a description of a, brown haired devil who specialized in destructive magic and hand to hand combat. Truth to be told, I did not expect my master to be so young and beautiful. I am truly bless aren't I? To be under such a beautiful master.

"And there is no such long distance teleportation magic my dear disciple" oh I see, "oh there is one method though" my ears perked up and then I looked towards master Octavia with eyes full of expectation. "One must sacrifice thousands of people in order to somewhat gather their mana and then with those mana gathered a long distance teleportation is possible for a while" I was then frozen stiff from the shocking revelation and had a hunch that, that was what my crazy step mother did when I was in a different time line.

"Umm Master I am guessing that we need to walk to our destination?"

"Not walk, cause I am planning on testing you" I frowned, and said in a childish manner (well...since I am a child and all, I might as well act like one) "boo, master I though I pass already" master Octavia somewhat twitch her face and said "oho, you dare talk back to your master? And even dare to question such obvious thing? I am starting the training and if you fail go look for another to take you in" I paled and starting to sweat all over, (I guess my master is not that sweet and caring type...she is more like a cool bossy type that rarely show's her affection)

Then my master started to emit some kind of magic around her and the next thing I knew said "if you cant keep up with me or much less follow me, find another master to take you in" then she started to run going northwards. I panicked and started to chase master Octavia, but the gap is getting wider and wider. I fell a lot of times and stumble a lot of times since we were in a forest. (Master is getting farther and farther away. At this rate I will fail the test) why is my master soo harsh? I am still a 4year old kid, I don't even have the proper body, much less run continuously for long distance.

I was covered in bruises, my clothes are tattered and my whole body is aching from fatigue and bruises. And the worst thing is, I had lost sight of master Octavia. I sat on a rock and pondered on my head on what I needed to do in order to catch up to master Octavia. I am guessing that she is going north and I should keep moving sooner or later since the distance would just widen. (Damn it, if I just had a flying vehicle...oh that might work) I have found the solution to my problems, the only thing that worries me if it will work or not.

Since I wind magic is my specialty I am guess that I could imbue parts of my body in order to fly?, as I tried focusing my wind magic on the sole of my foot, I somehow manage to be launch on the air. But the thing is I also immediately fell to the ground. (oh soo I can't fly for some reason, how I know? I just had a feeling that's all...I guess I will try body enhancement wind powered version...) as I focus my mana on my legs, my legs felt lighter, I thought I had succeeded but as it was my first time using this magic, I felt like I was using too much and don't know how to reduce the mana intake, I manage to ran a few kilometers I then felt really tired. Because as I take a step using my mana imbued legs, I could feel that every step I make, I expels mana to the earth giving me a slight boost forward which is good but I had a feeling that I was expelling too much mana for every step I had made and I don't know how to reduce the mana that I expel, because I don't even have a clue how in the first place(it seems the previous Vermillion did not have any knowledge about magic, sight he only lazed around feeling depressed, ohh he did learned that spirit merge spell which is luckily in favor to me).

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