Switching Sides Chapter 3

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I didn't want to spoil any of the story for those of you who actually care, so I put explanations in at the end of the things going on! <3 Please enjoy the story and comment if you think I should keep going with it. I'm not sure :D


"Lo siento! Lo siento, Lovi!"

If someone were to walk by the Spaniard's house at that moment, they would have thought a life was being taken with all the horrendous shouts emitting off the walls and low ceilings of the one story building.

"Why in the hell would I'a kiss you?"

Back and forth, shouts could be heard, one side apologetic and the other angry and hateful.

"Lovi...It was a rational idea, si? Like...Sleeping Beauty! Maybe just a peck?"

"No! Idiota! Even if that is'a the answer, then you'll just have to be happy looking like'a me, because I am not'a kissing you!"

Antonio blinked a couple of times, "But Lovi...You'll have to look like me... Don't you want your body back?"

There was a long string of silence. Of course he wanted his body back, but he refused to kiss Antonio to get it to happen.

"Maybe a hug?" Antonio tried, but was immediately shoved backwards when he attempted to latch onto Lovi. Looking defeated, Antonio poked the body he was in, which made Lovi twitch.

"Oh, you don't like that?" The Spaniard teased, poking the soft skin once again, causing Lovi to tense and grab onto the front of Antonio's shirt.

"Do I'a look like I'm enjoying that?"

Antonio laughed and petted the smaller boy's head, stepping away from him with a tired yawn, "Goodness Lovi...Are you always this tired? You really need to start exercising.."

Lovi only shook his head, ignoring the comment made. He didn't feel like dealing with Antonio's antics, especially since the man didn't have the decency to leave his body alone while he was borrowing it from Lovi.


It was quiet. Everyone around them on the streets seemed to stare at both pairs of men, most women nervously glancing at who they thought was Spain. Of course, Lovi noticed the stares and attempted to shoot glares back at them, although it wasn't easy. Lovi wasn't one to be rude to women. Antonio was too oblivious to notice anything around them.

He was too busy humming, and when he felt a hand grab onto his own, he smiled and glanced up, "Finally giving into me, Lo-" A busty blonde had replaced the Italian, who had been pushed to the side by Belgium.

"You are as cute as ever, Romano!" She squealed, rolling her R's without even thinking about it, clinging onto his arm.

"G-Get off'a me!" Spain tried using the Italian accent, waving his arm about; though, he didn't have the muscle mass he used to in his own body. Lovi personally thought it was funny that for once Spain was the one being attacked.

Though, a more demanding tone came out now, "Get off'a me!"

Everyone went quiet. Spain sounded so angry...It was surprising to Lovi the most. The idiot never became enraged, so why the change when a pretty girl was on him?

Belgium took a couple of steps back, blinking in surprise before hurrying off. Lovi stepped up to Antonio, who gave him such a hateful look that he had to move back again.

"What did I'a do?" Lovi crossed his arms, trying to shoot him back a look, but failing. A pale hand shot out and clasped the front of Lovi's shirt, pulling him closer.

"You just sat there and watched, like you always do when a chica bonita is on you."

Releasing his shirt, he gave Lovi's chest a rough shove before storming away, leaving Lovino to think about what had happened.

Lovino was dumb-founded. He hadn't ever seen Antonio so upset with him. It was kind of terrifying. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he grunted, thinking over the Spanish mans' words.

'What was that supposed to mean? What did I do?'

All of a sudden, a thought hit him. Was Antonio jealous? The Spanish nation had plenty of girls chasing after him (though, he was too oblivious to notice them). Was he always focusing on the girls flirting with Lovi? That didn't make any sense. What an idiot.

Hurrying towards the area that Antonio had run off to, Lovi found his own short body in a crowd, looking a little fearful. Quickly getting by Antonio's side, he felt the man take his hand.

"Your little mafia group is over there." He whispered to Lovi, who shifted his eyes to the group of ugly looking men, their faces cut and torn apart from all the years of fighting and chaos they created.

With a frown, Lovi tugged Antonio's hand, feeling overly protective. It wasn't because he cared about Spain. He wanted to save his body from being beaten to a pulp.

Running behind a building, through an alley and around a corner, Lovi stopped at Antonio's house, forcing him inside.

"Why in the hell did you'a storm off? You could have gotten me'a killed!"

Antonio's hands came out, snagging onto Lovi's (Well, it's really Antonio's) clothing.

"Why do you do that? You yell and you scream at me...But look at yourself. I look past those faults because I care about you, Lovi, but I can only hold onto you for so long before you finally push me away. Is that what you want? Dios mio. I've been pushed around all of my life. 'Antonio, make this. Antonio, do this, por favor!' I can't take it anymore! Why don't you show me any respect? Have I not cared for you? Have I not shown you all the love in the world? Do you just not care?" His voice raised a bit, and his fists tightened, clenching the poor rag of a shirt on Lovi's chest. The Italian flinched when he was released, causing Antonio to breathe out slowly, shaking his head.

"Lo siento for scaring you. I didn't mean to. I just want you to not hate me for everything I do," He mumbled, returning to his regular self.

For some reason, Lovi could feel his heart racing. Stepping closer to him, he grabbed the front of his shirt, like Spain had done to him. Antonio was the one to flinch now, squeaking softly as he was pulled closer.

"Por favor, Lovi. You don't want to punch yourself-" His words were silenced by the collision of their lips, Lovino's fingers forcing themselves between Antonio's. The kiss seemed to have a lot of meaning behind it for Lovi, but Antonio was a little stunned by the sudden attack to his face by someone who didn't care much for him.

"Lovi..." Lovino merely shook his head, breathing out slowly, but Antonio continued on, "So...I guess the kiss thing didn't work."

"I guess'a not...We will keep trying."


In this Chapter, I included some things that my friend and I discussed and roleplayed out. Basically, Belgium has a thing for Romano and Spain is jealous of it. So, he and Belgium no longer get along! That is why Spain reacts the way he does when Belgium is around. Also, my version of Romano is in the mafia. He was part of this little gang until Spain found out and now the thugs are out to hurt Roma. I might end up making a story out of the roleplays that I have done, but for now, this is just a little insider to where I was headed with all of the details!

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