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I'm so alone

I feel it in the air

People ignore me, and never come to my aid

I am the princess stuck in the tower

They abuse me

They are the dragons

Many knights have tried to liberate me

It's no use

At school now

They're there waiting for me

They're watching me

I walk over to my lonely corner

Someone is coming over

It's Her

She punches me

 I don't fight back

I hate this

She's dragging me

I hear a shout, a scream

My rescuer

I see metal and I feel a crunch




I can't feel my body, I can't move a thing

My mother is here

She's telling me that I got hit and that I'm lucky to be alive

I remember it all now


She's here

She's.. She's....


This is crazy

I have a friend

This is not the end for me...

We get home 

My mother asks me why I didn't fight back

I say-

"I am me, and I can do what I can to be the best that I can be.  I didn't fight back because I am peaceful.  I didn't fight back because I had accepted death."

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