His Return

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Gumdramon's POV (he's back! You should be happy!) 

Surprise! I'm back, and fortunately not dead! Anyways, I suppose I should start explaining why I'm out in the new zone. I have no clue. I was just remade here, and unfortunately, I haven't been able to find my way back to Shoutmon yet. I have grown a little since the last time you saw me. I even found a companion, Kremon. Kremon is a red dragon with yellow eyes, has a chain necklace around his neck, black claws, a black v mark on his stomach, and straight black horns. Three weeks ago, the day I meet him, I was only up to his chest, but now I'm up to his neck, not to mention my wings have grown a lot. I bet a lot of you just want some action, right? Well I'll just get to that part. 

So anyways, it was an average day for us. If by average you mean being lost in a forest of trees. Yep, we got lost. "You sure you know where you're going?" I asked Kremon, who was walking behind me. "Of course I do. Have I ever brought us into harms way?" Kremon asked me. "Yes actually. The time we nearly drowned, the time we almost starved to death, that time when you almost made me eat poisonous berries," I said, listing some of the things that went wrong. "But at least we lived," Kremon said, making a smile. "Ya, because of me," I said. I looked down at my neck, which didn't have the necklace Shoutmon gave me. I sighed sadly. The last thing I had to remember Shoutmon was probably back at the castle, wherever that was. "Hey, what's wrong?" Kremon asked me. "I just miss Shoutmon," I said as we continued to walk. A tree suddenly fell down infront of us. "Dang it, it's Gaulmon and Rocketmon," Kremon said. I should probably go over this now. Gaulmon is a black dragon with golden armor, has two golden blades and go in and out, wears a golden helmet with white horns, has black eyes, black claws revealed, a black tail revealed from his armor, and has white claws. As for Rocketmon, he is some type of rhino with red eyes, wears a green torn up shirt, black pants, and his weapon is an axe. 

I watched as Rocketmon and Gaulmon came into our line of sight. "Well Rocketmon, it looks like we found the dragons," Gaulmon said. "Ya, didn't Nutramon and Fangmon find two?" Rocketmon asked. "Ya, and I think he said one of them knew Gumdramon," Gaulmon said, looking at me. "His name is the Shoutmon," Rocketmon said. "T-that's not true! I bet Shoutmon is back at his zone!" I yelled at the two. "See for yourself," Gaulmon said, holding out a clover necklace, and then threw it to me. I caught it and looked at it. It was the necklace he gave me. Shoutmon is here. "H-he's here," I said, not believing what I was seeing. "All you have to do is surrender, and you'll see him again," Gaulmon said. I thought for a moment. On one hand, I could see Shoutmon again, but on the other hand, I need to free him. "I'll never surrender!" I yelled at them. "Then we'll make you," Gaulmon said. I ran up to them, but a net quickly caught me. "Don't we didn't boobytrap this place, did you?" Rocketmon said with a smirk. "Gumdramon!" Kremon yelled at me. "Kremon, run! Find Shoutmon and free him!" I said,giving him the clover necklace. "But Gumdramon-" Kremon started, but I quickly said,"Just go!" "Okay," Kremon said as he ran off. "It looks like your friend has abounded you," Gaulmon said,before knocking me out. 

-le magical time skip- 

I came to in a dark cell. Gaulmon walked in and said," Good, you're awake." "What do you want with me?" I asked him in anger. "Oh don't worry, little dragon. I'll keep you alive for now, orders of Nutramon," Gaulmon said, lifting up my chin. "Why's that?" I asked him. "You'll know soon enough," Gaulmon said, making a smile. With that, Gaulmon walked out. I peaked outside the cells. "When the Shoutmon comes to save this dragon, we will take his power and kill him on the spot. If that doesn't work, we'll make sure the Shoutmon watches this dragon suffer," Gaulmon said to himself. I jumped back onto the wall. If Shoutmon does come to help me escape, he'll die. I need to escape before he can get here. 

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