Chapter 17

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I let out a fake laugh so I wouldn't look so tense.

Manuela: "What? Where is this coming from?"
Guilherme. Building a wall between us?"

Guilherme: "I kissed you, and you kissed me ... Then all of a sudden you become distant and just ignore me. All you say to me is 'hey', 'good morning' and look away when I look at you.. What's really going on?"

The girl from the ice cream parlor is what's going on; idiot.

Manuela: "Nothing, Guilherme. There's nothing going on. Really... I need to go back to the living room. The girls will notice that we're in here alone."

Guilherme: "You're really weird... fine you can go, but you owe me a convincing explanation."

I Came out of the kitchen without saying anything else to him.

A Few days later-
Finally, the day of the nightclub's reopening was here. I was nervous, anxious, and afraid all at the same time. Flavia gave me some useful tips and went over the dance a few more times with me. We became closer this past week. Probably because we share a room and I talk to her the most.

Bruna was also a lot of fun, and Jack was friends with everyone. Luana was much more serious and closed up, so I didn't get a chance to befriend her yet. Amanda, was always messing around with me. Maybe she was jealous of me for whatever reason. As the girls always said, intelligence was lacking in her. I honestly don't disagree.

Today was a productive day. We went to the salon, and got our nails and hair done. Flávia and I got a Brazilian blow out. I also touched up my roots. My hair looked golden rather then a dirty blonde. My hair finally reached the color I was going for. The other girls also got their either curled or straightened. Luana was crazier with her choice. She died it a darker pink then how it was. Before, she only had highlights of pastel pink now she full on does it pink. It looked really good and it suited her nicely, but I would never have the guts to do something like that. We left the salon around four in the afternoon.

After the salon, The girls and I went to the mall and bought some divine clothes and lingerie. We finally went home, took a shower and got ready. In the show we would have to wear lingerie. So we'd go with it already on and out on a large jacket. Around 7 pm, Helen took us to the nightclub. The nightclub seemed like it was becoming a dark place for me.

We went in; and all of a sudden, my anxiety was gone. I was still a little nervous to do the show. We waited for the nightclub to open, mostly men and some women started to crowd up the dining area.
That's when Helen announced that our show was starting. The girls and I stepped onto the stage. We went to our positions and the music started.

We danced and the men whistled and clapped to our every  "sexual". I was front and center, there were many stares being held on me but I tried not to let that bother me. I had to stay strong and keep my mind off what was yet to come my way. Fear increased every second that the end of the song approached. When it was over, I panicked. There was a final pose in the choreography, I posed and froze. The girls walked off the stage.

Flavia: "Come on, Manu." She tapped my shoulder and walked off. I woke up to the moment, I got up and followed the girls. My heart was racing. My anxiety was coming back.

We went to the dressing rooms, I sat in front of the mirror and looked ahead, but not at me. I looked at the emptiness inside. Helen walked into the dressing room a few moments later.

Helen: "Bruna, you have a complete request for you in room 8."

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