Chapter 30

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Helen was really angry at us; She rolled her eyes then walked away. Flávia and I went upstairs to get ready to go to the nightclub. We went to the club a little later than the other girls; we were already late anyway.

Helen came to pick us up when we were ready.

Helen: "You really think I'm joking around, huh ?" She said as she drove us to the nightclub.

Flávia: "We lost track of time. It was unintentional."

Helen: "Did I ask you to open your mouth, Flavia?"
Flavia glared at her then faced me and whispered:
"You're the one I like the most, please don't be like the others. I nodded and smiled, then we arrived at the club rather quick.

I decided not to get involved in the argument with Helen this time. She's already going to take half of the money I make today and I don't want her to take anymore.

Today I got 8 clients. That's the most I've ever gotten. My number of clients were just getting bigger and bigger. I actually went to all without complaining or crying.

The nightclub had a few minutes left before closing time, Lua and Amanda were finishing up their last client of the night. The rest of us girls were in the dressing room waiting for them.

Jack: "I felt so dead today, but at least I got a sexy, dominant guy." She smiled and got up from the chair she was sitting in. "He was about 6'3 , carved jawline, muscular and worked wonders with his cock." We all laughed

Flavia: " you're so Naughty!"

Jack: "He's too hot. He made me cum twice."

Manuela: "We don't need to know that" I looked at Jackeline.

Jack: "He told me he was coming back and double the amount of times he made me cum. I just Can't wait." She actually seemed very excited to meet with this guy again.

Manuela: "stop bragging" I fake rolled my eyes.

Jackeline laughed. "And how was your guys' night?"

Flavia: " I got two fat old men and a skinny one with no experience in bed. It was horrible."

Manuela: "Aw I hate when I get those type of men." -I laughed- "I got a blonde, skinny, but gentle cutie, A Japanese one who doesn't live by the stereotype of small dicks. -The girls laughed- "A single drunk guy that kept saying his ex's name, a newly married one that was horrible in bed and Three more guys who looked like they were about 30 and an old man who paid me more than all the others combined.

"Flavia: "Wow... you did 8 just today?"

Bruna: "I could barely get to 5"

Manuela: "I just needed the money, since I'm going to earn half of it today" -Little did they know that the old man paid Helen a price and gave me a few extra bills. Extra money is always good to get" -But the real reason why I did so many today wasn't because of money. I actually wanted to impress Helen, then step on her face."

Flavia laughed. She probably agreed with me about stepping on Helen's face.

Bruna: "you're such a bad girl"

Flavia: "You haven't seen anything yet" she said playing around. Amanda and Luana soon were done with their last clients. We put away our things and went home. I was exhausted. As much as I wanted to show off to Helen and make money, having sex with 8 guys in one night was just hard. But it was worth it, because in the end, I would have achieved my goal. I took a shower and went downstairs to get something to eat. Guilherme was in the kitchen.

I decided to go back to the room, and without him seeing me but he noticed I was there.

Guilherme: "Fleeing from me again, stranger?" He said looking at the refrigerator.

Manuela: "umm, no. I just don't feel like eating anymore."

Guilherme: "You sure you don't want a piece of that chocolate cake? He pulled the cake out of the refrigerator and showed it to me. It looked delicious and it probably was.

Manuela: "Chocolate cake is cowardice." I joked.

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