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Cameron pov
Me: How do we get him in jail?
Kristen: We are a program lets call Moran
I call Moran she answers.
Moran: How is it going Cameron? Me: Good we know who did it how do we get them to jail?
Moran: I have some friends in England get that person to this addresses and they will be in jail the addresses is ( random)
Me: Okay thanks bye Moran
I hang up
Kristen: We pretend we are having a party text Zayn the dets
I text Zayn I'm having a party at the addresses to meet me there.
Me: He will be there in 20 lets go
We rush to the house Liam and Camille are waiting.
Kristen: Let me guess your also apart of the Stitchers Program?
Liam: Yep lets go get Zayn
We head to the house.
Me: We are here come on guys
We head in the man is sitting.
Cameron: Thanks for helping us
Man: No problem guys lets go
Me: Liam Niall to the side Camille up the stairs I'm going to be on the couch Cameron hold my hand
Cameron: Got he texted down the block places people
I sit silently he dropped next to me and grabs my hand. I smile
Cameron: After this i have somewhere to show you
Me: Really?
Cameron: Yeah
The door opens Zayn smiled.
Me: Welcome more people are coming later oh here is Cameron I'm Neptune nice to meet you
Zayn: Thanks
I smirk and give him a drink.
Me: Here drink up
He drinks and starts to shake.
Me: Now
Man: Zayn you are under arrest for the murder of Harry Styles
Camille: Yeah you twerp
Niall: You are a scumbag
Liam: Harry will never love you.
Zayn: Yes he will
He goes and tried to attack Liam i tackle him to the ground. We take him away.

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