On a Night's Moon

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A maiden with golden brown curls ran out into the elegant night, the full moon and bright stars casting a relucent light on the tears that managed to escape from her crystalline eyes. She ran not caring about the crisp air the night gave away. She turned, disappearing into the opulent dark forest.
A troubled fellow came from the building minutes after the damsel, concern written all over his pronounced features, while he desperately searched for the girl in the dark green dress. Running a hand through his dark locks, he headed towards the woods in desperate need to find her.....
Deep in the forest where fog was creeping in and trees were dressed in shadows, the only audible sound was their suffocating hearts. The woods seemed to emit a crooked existence. An ominous presence. Unable to ignore the eerie silence, he looked around at the druid and beech inhabited forest searching for her, breathing for her.
The sorrowful maiden clung to herself incapable of withholding her sobs any longer. With each cry feverishly shaking her frame, she was unable to stop, while the melancholy memories came back to haunt her. She couldn't be at peace.
Coming to a halt, relief purged through him as he came to an opening where a dauntingly large Angel Oak Tree arose in front of him.

The mournful girl, laying on one of the moss-covered branches that was inches from the damp ground, was one to the tree and forest

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The mournful girl, laying on one of the moss-covered branches that was inches from the damp ground, was one to the tree and forest. As he approached her, his steps crushed the debris on the forest floor causing her to snap her head in his direction.

"Get away from me!" She growled, but the pain beneath the surface of her eyes betrayed her. The hatred in them sent daggers through his heart, and noticing the his hurt expression, she turned away.
"I was worried. You ran off, and I didn't know where you were. I thought I'd lost you." He said. She quickly stood up and wiped way her tears. Coming towards him with determination, she left a safe distance between them.
He noticed all her red-rimmed features, and he helplessly stared at the girl he desired most with a raw and bruised heart. He knew it was his fault, but he encouraged the silence, while he looked down at her swollen crimson eyes and lips with longing.

"It's a fact, you can't lose something you never had." She sneered.

"You're mine."

"I'm not!" She shouted, more to herself than him. Tears threatening to escape her once again. By then the fog was thicker causing them to lose all sense.

He drew near her, menacing, and she dared glare at him, challenging him; she was going to stand up for what she knew was true...something he wasn't.
He, now an intimate distance from her, summoned her without the need to speak. She understood. How could she not?
" Go. Away." She bellowed, but instead, he seemed to have gotten impossibly close. She stepped back, but he took hold of her, his hand snaked around her waist pulling her near.
Rage washed through her. How dare he! She thrust herself back in a hurried attempt to get away. She miserably attacked him, feeling his grip getting harder....He was going to kill her. She jolted herself away...but in a matter seconds..She stopped. She was staring into his eyes, unable to look away from the agony in them. But, pain wasn't the only thing in them. She instantly froze...Deep in him there was something she'd never noticed before, something her loathing blinded her from seeing. ....Lust.... It was clear in his green spheres, that yearning..he craved her.
Not wasting another second, he pressed his lips onto hers. Hunger overpowering him, he slowly moved his hands back down to her waist pressing her firmly against him. Her virgin lips tasting sweeter than he dreamed, softer than he wished. With each passing second he needed more. He wanted all of her.

With knees bending, legs numbing, and hands trembling, the poor girl underwent an overwhelming weakness. His lips were sucking out all the remnants of her strength with each adrenalized move.

"Sto-op" she stuttered, "Do-n't" He began moving his way down her jaw-line to her neck. "St-top ,y-you..can't, we sh-shouldn't." She stumbled. His fingers caressing her tear stained skin.

She became light-headed, and her vision was cloudy; she stepped backwards, scared she wouldn't be able to control herself if it went any further. But, the forest had a different plan; the cicadas and crickets began their melodies, the wind blowing through hollow trees made the sound of flutes in sync, and the fog was condensing so that water droplets fell into harmony..Nature's Song. Looking at her, he thought her beauty itself was a lullaby.

With the music drawing him near her, he stretched out his hand and said in a rough whisper, "Lovely, shall we dance?"

Still troubled, she hesitated but an unknown force pushed her close. Locking her hand in his, they began to sway to the rhythm of the woods, going in circles around the massive Oak. Poetically dancing to the waltz. Above them the moonlight shone through water beads on fine spider-webs, reflecting the light upon the damsel's sapphire oceans. Nothing could break the bond their wistful eyes now had. She was grace to his spirits.
She looked at him, dark waves of hair had fallen slightly over his emerald eyes. His ivy medieval chemise hung loosely on him revealing his toned torso. Strong arms held her and drowned out the fear that previously nudged her.

"Marry me." He said, but it sounded more like a command. Pulling away he said ,"Right now marry me. The Angel Oak can be the priest , father of the forest, and the darkness that lurks will be the ring bearer, our companion for eternity. Give me your trust, your being." His sinful nature was apparent through his jade eyes. It was as if the fog had diffused into their system and morphed it into something immoral.

esmerized and without oxygen, she lacked all consciousness and was unable to comprehend his words.
Suddenly, her vision became clear and she became aware of his appearance. He's once gorgeous and loving features, distorted into a demon-like appearance which now inhabited black eyes. His nails dug into her back causing her to release an ear-piercing screech, making the once lively forest floor, the death bed to the pitiable bride. There she lay motionless while his pale statue-like figure towered above her corpse, while the rain pelt down on them. When thunder resounded...!

...I woke up..

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