The Attraction

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"So there you have it Kara. That is basically what your job will entail. Here is my card with a number you can call if you have questions about anything." I smile as Pepper hands me her book of information that I could need as Tony's new personal assistant. "Thank you Pepper. You have been so much help. I don't know what I would have done without you today!" She smiles and gives me a small hug. "You're welcome Kara. Good luck dealing with Tony's every need during the day! He can be a handful." I smile and hold the book of information Pepper gave to me along with my notebook.

"Kara! Can you come in my office?" I turn around to see Tony's chocolate brown eyes staring at me.

"Sure. I'll be right there." He smiles and retreats to his office. I turn around, following him in. "What can I help you with sir?"

"Well, I was wondering if you could call this order in for delivery, and go to the corner store down the road for this list, and then order this list for us to eat dinner together. Pepper isn't going to be here. She has to go out of town." I nod and smile.

"Uhm, sure. I will get this done right away sir." He nods and gets up to open the door, brushing hi hand against my hip as I walk out.

"Kara. One more thing."


"It's Tony. You don't need to call me sir." I smile slightly and nod.

"Sorry... Tony." I smile along with giving him a small smirk and walk to the phone, calling in an order for delivery. I look at the time and see it is already past noon. I walk to the store and grab a cart, getting the things on his list. I politely pay with the card I have for business expenses and then carry the two huge handfuls of groceries to the tower. I smile as I see Clint and he comes over and take a handful of it.

"Thank you." He smiles and nods as I press the up button in the elevator. We go up to the tenth level. From the tenth up to the fifteenth is his living quarters. I bite my lower lip as I sit the stuff in the kitchen on the counter, starting to put them up.

"How is Steve doing?" I smile slightly as I hear Clint.

"He's good. I feel like he really just needs a break. He is... run down, tired."

"We all are K." I let out a small sigh and feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"Emotionally and Physically?"

"Yeah... Every time I leave our little farm house, the kids, Laura, it's a constant question of if I will make it back. I hate putting them through it." I turn around and smile slightly.

"Clint, you are protecting the world. Doing it all for them. With the love you get from them, you have a will in your heart to make it back. Every time."

"In New York, I was... terrified. Loki turned my world upside down in a matter of minutes Kara. I couldn't remember what mattered most. He took my mind and played with it as though I was his puppet." I let out a small sigh and walk over, takin him in a hug.

"You are here though. You made it. You are safe and you got to go back to your family." He smiles and I wipe a tear from his cheek. "Come on Hawkeye, crying will ruin your image!" He laughs and smiles at me.

"Thanks Kara. We need to have these talks more often. Steve is a lucky guy." I raise an eyebrow and chuckle nervously.

"Uh... We aren't together. We are close, but not together close." I see his smile turn into a small frown.

"Really? By the way Steve talks about you, you would never guess. He thinks the world of you Kara. You can tell he loves you." I nod lightly.

"I really need to get back to my work Clint, so if you will excuse me. Tell Laura I say hi." I turn around politely and choke back tears as I order the food for my dinner with Tony. I take the elevator down to the fifth floor, sitting at the desk outside of Tony's office.

"Kara... You back?" I hear Tony's voice ring through the office and get up, walking to the door, standing in the door frame.

"Yeah. It's me. What can I do for you Tony?" I hear my voice crack at the end of that sentence and turn my head slightly, feeling my eyes tear.

"Kara, what's wrong?" I feel his body come near mine, he puts his hand on my elbow and moves me in the office, shutting the door behind me.

"N-Nothing. Nothing is wrong Tony. I'm fine." I put on a fake smile as I look into his chocolate brown eyes. I see him shake his head and pull me into a tight hug. I breathe in the smell of his musky cologne and a faint smell of whisky.

"You don't need to lie to me. Is it Steve? Did he do something?" Hearing him assume that I feel tears start to run down my cheeks way too quickly for comfort.

"He loves me, so much. I'm just not capable of not loving him in the same way Tony. I wish I could, I just... It's a brotherly love with him. I can't stand hurting him. Living with him just hurts us both. I just need to get out Tony. That's partly why I need this job. I can't do it anymore. I can't keep hurting him." I see Tony staring at me and he picks me up, pressing my back to the wall.

"I need to kiss you."

"What about Pepper?"

"S-She left. We ended things. I couldn't take it anymore."

"If you need to kiss me, shut up and do it already." He smirks slightly as I wrap my legs around his waist. He presses his lips to mine, the taste of spearmint and whisky mixing with the taste of my peppermint gum. He hungrily bite my lower lip, then kissing my jaw, the skin above my breast, then moving up to my neck. I smile with my closed eyes, feeling pure ecstasy. He kisses up my neck, nibbling on my ear then kissing my cheek and pressing his forehead to mine.

"I-You can live here. If you would like too. I have a few rooms open. I think it would be satisfactory to your needs." I smile slightly, being out of breath.

"Uh... Sure. I just need to break the news to Steve."

"I'm going to go eat the food that you ordered. You go home and talk to him. I am okay eating alone one more night." I smile slightly, realizing he is still supporting me against the wall and kiss him one more time. I place my feet on the floor and feel his lips on my cheek. "Let me know if you need any help packing." I nod and feel his lips on my neck, then hear him whisper into my ear. "There is so much more of this to come my dear." I look to face him and smirk slightly.

"Don't tease me Tony. Don't do that to me." He kisses my lips and then break apart.

"Okay. Go before I keep you to myself." I nod and smile, leaving the office. Now for the hard part.

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