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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its characters. They belong to J.K. Rowling.


Luna wakes up one morning to find strange ropes coming out of her chest. She is overwhelmed with the knowledge that she is fictional and keeps seeing ropes connecting everyone- ships. Armed with fanfiction and her Ravenclaw intelligence, Luna turns Hogwarts upside down- because what happens when fanfiction becomes canon?

A/N: So, I've edited it and then changed it back into Harry Potter fanfiction! :) If you notice anything that I missed, comment below. xo


Luna let her eyes fall to the ground with the drifting snowflakes. The little white flakes coasted down from the clouds, blown about by the wind into picturesque swirls. She felt like she was looking at a Christmas card. Luna stepped to the window and looked at the snowdrifts forming far down below, frosty white pileups in the corners of her school's exterior. It was times like these that she appreciated her dormitory all the way up at the top of the Ravenclaw tower. It didn't feel so lonely when there were all the snowflakes passing by, and she could happily spend an hour with a cup of tea and a blanket just watching the snowfall.

She set the Arithmancy textbook down on the bed and it landed with a little 'phmp'. Luna brushed away a little piece of hair to tuck her quill behind her ear. The feather brushed against her earring, making it swing. She suppressed a giggle at the pleasant tickling sensation. Luna knew that what was happening outside would prove to be too much of a distraction for her to do her work, although she had been doing her best to turn most of her attention away from the student population.

Down among the snowdrifts, in the courtyard, was a group of students who she recognized as being in her year, Gryffindors. Hogwarts prided itself so much on small class sizes and "Intra-House bonding" as opposed to "Inter-House bonding", leading to it being hard to get a feel for who was actually in her grade, and Luna had never felt like much of a social butterfly. Others tended to push her to the margins because she didn't always feel up for talking about the latest pop star's hit that had been playing on the Wizarding Wireless.

She did sometimes imagine that she was a butterfly, but she got the sense that her fellow students didn't, which was a shame. They could benefit from a focus on creativity. Luna shuddered to think of their Charms presentations. The resemblance shared by all the projects was uncanny.

Luna let her eyes wander back down to the students below. A red-haired kid, definitely a Weasley, though from this distance she couldn't tell who, had taken a snowball to the back of his head. He was screaming and laughing in indignation, bending down to collect snow for a retaliating assault.

The red-head's snowball connected with a friend's face, nailing him right in the glasses. Luna thought that it was Harry. Not that many kids at Hogwarts wore glasses, thanks to vision potions taken at a young age. Harry crouched in a ball to pack some snowballs, shaking his head to get rid of the flakes gathered there.

A small smile appeared on Luna's face, and she let out a little giggle when Hermione snuck up behind them and pegged them both with snowballs. They turned to chase her, ducking down to grab some snow. She hightailed it towards a large tree, and hid behind it, hardly daring to poke her head out.

Luna could almost hear their laughter, their joking taunts and silly remarks. For all her own strengths, she felt a tinge of envy towards the rosy-cheeked students darting about below. They were the best of friends, the Golden Trio. Luna had hardly ever had a time like that, where she could run around outdoors and play with others. Her neighbors had been welcoming when she was younger, but after a while they got too old and too cool to play in the snow, and it wasn't as if Luna had any siblings of her own to get up to mischief with.

Luna Lovegood, Fanfiction, and AutocracyWhere stories live. Discover now