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  I wake up to the annoying noise again thank god its fucking friday. I get up and and go to the bathroom I take a quick shower, blow dry my hair, put on black nike joggers, neon yellow Nike tank top, put my hair up in a high ponytail. And I got a tact from Cameron

Cabae🙊: hey wanna come to a party tonight around six

Leaner😂: yea you gotta pick me up tho cuz I don't wanna drive my car tonight bruh

Cabae🙊: fine bish I'll see ya at school

Leaner😂:ok bye love ya bae

Cabae🙊: love ya too

And with that I was out the door my mom went on a business trip for 3 weeks. I got into my car and went to school.


I got out of my car and met my fam and we went into the school goofing off like always. The eleven of us usually do this. I was talking to Cameron  about the party untill i ran into a muscular body i fell backwards and laughed. I seen a hand out to help me up. I took it and stood up and stared into this boy's brown golden eyes

"Uh..sorry.. I wasn't..uh looking where I was uh going" I said neversouly.

"Oh no. Its fine by the way my names uh Grayson, Grayson dolan" the boy said

"I'm uh Elena Martinez" I said smiling.

"We Elena here's my number call me sometime." He wrote his number on my arm and winked and walked off. I was shocked I caught the gang looking with their jaws to the ground

"Oh my gawddddd. Let me seeaa" cam Said in a girly voice. I laughed and showed them the number

"Zaymn bitch that was the new kid and he is a twin" Matt said as we walked to my locker

"Yea I know I seen them yesterday" I said getting my human anatomy book

"You should get him up" Nash said and winked

"No something don't feel right about him" i said and walked off. We all sat in our sits that are by each other. The weird thing is that we have all the same classes together.

  I sat in my spot by Shawn and was thinking deep about Grayson

What is so off about him?

Should I be friends with him?

Should I even call him or text him?

" leaner you ok" Shawn whispered Interrupting my thoughts

"Yea why" I asked with a eyebrow raised

"Your more whiter since you bumped into th- oh my gawd you like him don't you" Matt said

"Hes cute and all but I dont even know his personality" I shrugged

" mmhhhmmm" cam hummed

"Whatever" i heard Nash say. I laughed a bit


I was still thinking about him .

"Leaner so what do you say" cam said snapime put of my thoughts

" do I say what?" I questioned

"Where do you want to go to after we get done here?" Cam asked

"Um skate park but we bring our bikes Instead of skateboards or penny boards" I say

"Ok let's go we have like 2 mins until we can leave" Matt says.

"Hold on ima invite two people" I say " meet me by our cars" I says and walk off

" Ok" Nash yells.

I walk to grayson and his twin brother.

"Hey Grayson do you wanna come to the skate park" I ask

"Uh yea sure Ethan you wanna go bro" Grayson asks his brother

"Yea"he replies

"Bring you bikes Instead of skateboards or penny boards" I add "and we are going to a party after" I say

"You live by us next door we are you new neighbors" Ethan says

"Oh that was you guys I threw a piece of paper at" I laugh

"Yea" they say and laugh

"Yea but I gotta go my fam is waiting for me" I say

"Bye see ya soon" Grayson says

I walk off and go to my car and see the gang.

"You did, didn't you" cassie asked

"Yerp" I said and got In my car

"Give me a ride to your house please I don't wanna go home please" cam asked

"Yea sure cabae" I said and he got in.

Graysons pov

"Dude. She's" Ethan started but I stopped him

"Hot" I finished.

I can't fall in love with a human. I'll hurt her. I crave her tho. It feels like i found my peice. But how. She's a human. I'm a.... vampire.

I got into my grey jeep and drove off thinking about her. Ethan followed behind me in his black jeep. We arrived home and I got dressed into jumpers, and a maroon muscle tee. I went down stairs and asked if ethan was ready.

The Unexpected (A Grayson dolan fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now