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hold onto me; 'cause i'm a little unsteady
daddy, i'm alone, 'cause this house don't feel like home
if you love me, don't let go
hold onto me, 'cause i'm a little unsteady


Louis jolted in his sleep, waking up with the sharp movement. Eyes bleary with sleep, he blinked before peering around the hotel room. After a moment he tugged his phone from the table and flinched from the flare of light. Blinking quickly until the spots faded he squinted at the time. 2:48. Why the hell was he awake?

A soft noise caught his attention and Louis shot up quickly, blanket falling off as he whipped around towards the noise. With his phone lighting the room, Louis could just barely make out Harry's form, just barely visible in the corner of the room. He made the noise again, and just before his phone light winked off he saw Harry's hand dart up to wipe his nose.

A few seconds passed. The noise again-was that a sniffle?- and Louis leaned forward and clicked on the lamp. It was low, thankfully, but bright enough for Louis to see Harry, finally.

Louis, still half asleep, blinked in surprise at Harry. His boyfriend was curled up in the corner, long, loose curls draped in a sheer curtain around his face. Dressed in nothing but pants and a shirt, Louis watched as Harry wiped his nose again before his hand dropped to the soft plush clutched securely in the younger man's arms.

Slowly, unwilling to startle him, Louis slipped out from bed and approached him, crouching down to Harry's level.

"Harry, love," Louis' voice was a soft murmur towards the other man, as he settled himself on the floor opposite of Harry. "what do you need?" Louis kept his eyes on Harry, making sure he kept his body calm, and his voice gentle.

Harry didn't reply, sniffling again before he raised his head, tearful green eyes meeting Louis'. His hands seemed impossibly gentle as he clutched the blue rabbit to his chest, cheeks red as strands of his hair began to stick to his face.

"C'mere love, let's get you into a nappy and bed, yeah?" Louis coaxed the boy, stretching one hand towards him. Harry glanced down at Louis' hand before he nodded and took it, letting Louis stand up and swinging into the momentum as Louis tugged him up.

His boy was still tearful, rabbit pressed against his chest like it was the only thing keeping Harry from outright sobbing. Harry stumbled along behind him, but gave no resistance as Louis grabbed a blanket and spread it on the bed, laying the other on the blanket with a smile, using his pointer to give the boy a gentle chuff underneath his chin.

Louis turned away, tugging a nappy from the bag and tucking it into his arm as he searched for the powder and one of Harry's dummies. Freeing both the bottle and a blue dummy from their bag, Louis turned back to the bed to see Harry watching him from behind his rabbit, green eyes still full of tears.

"Look what Daddy has, love, do you want this?" Harry nodded and held his mouth open, letting Louis stick the dummy into his mouth. Harry began to suck on it, beginning to focus on his rabbit while Louis tugged down the boy's pants and slipped the nappy underneath him in the same movement. With the boy preoccupied with his rabbit and dummy, Louis had his nappy fixed and his pants back on in a matter of seconds, an adequate amount of powder rubbed along Harry's legs to keep the boy from chafing.

"C'mon love, let's tuck you into bed." Harry smiled at Louis, his tears finally gone as Louis soothed him. Louis, while being smaller than Harry, had worked out enough that picking up and carrying Harry wasn't a hardship, at least for a short while. So even if Louis couldn't hold his baby boy forever, he could cuddle him close without having to make him walk everywhere.

Humming softly as he picked the boy up, Louis walked over to the side of the bed and tugged the blankets back, tucking his boy into the bed, grabbing the blanket and tugging it up into Harry's grip. Louis crossed back over to his side of the bed, slipping under the covers and giving Harry a kiss on the temple before he turned to flick the light back off.

As Louis settled onto his back, shifting to get comfortable, he wasn't in the least surprised by the sudden weight on his shoulder, wrapping his arm around his boy's shoulders and pressing him more securely into his shoulder. Harry was easily lulled to sleep by Louis' humming and Louis by Harry's snuffling around the dummy. Louis' humming left the room quiet, but now Harry wasn't in danger of waking up again, needs soothed by his Daddy.


The fuck this was supposed to be angsty shit. I gave you fluff. The hell.

I got bored and attached to Unsteady by X Ambassadors so lucky you, Cookie, you got two birthday fics. If I get any more ideas before your birthday I'm throwing something.

But yeah this was supposed to be angsty but you got 700 words of fluff at 3:07. The hell.

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