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Jasmine Espinosa~ 15 years old short,shy af, bright blue eyes, really skinny, and long brown hair with gold highlights. Never has had a boyfriend, finally found a real best friend when lilliana moved next door. Goes to western high, she is one of the popular girls but does not like to admit it. She only has a brother that is only 2 years older than her but,acts like her dad since she only lives with her brother and mom their dad died when she was 4 years old because of cancer. Her brothers name is Luke Espinosa he is the football quarterback and he is so over protective of her. Jasmine also has trust issues. Silly at times. Horrible at making jokes.

Luke Espinosa~ 17 years old goes to western high also greenish eyes,his hair dyed blond and tall. Football quarterback almost every girl drools over him, but hasent had a girlfriend which is a miracle considering that pretty girls drool over him and only jasmine know that he has never had a girlfriend. But when lilliana moves next door everything changes and he starts developing feelings for her.

Brent bucker~ 16 years old tall af. Schools biggest player. There ain't a week that passes without getting After school suspension or out of school suspension. Get along pretty well with Luke.Thinks that serious relationships are gay af, that is until he meets jasmine... Lilliana's big brother, just as luke every girl drools over his sexy body even tho he is wild with them not like luke that hasn't banged no one. He has brown hair with light highlights, tuff has a six pack and just hot ( imagine him as any guy you think is flamin hot🔥)

Lilliana~ greenish/blueish eyes, short same hight as jasmine, jasmines best friend. Hair light brown. Has a great taste in clothing when she meets jasmine and they become friends, jasmine always asks her to pick her outfit. Never has had a boyfriend. Has a crush on luke only jasmine knows.. Gots a silly character/Serious. She got's braces. (The rest you'll find out on your own)

Brooke layle- Thinks she is the princess. Has a bad attitude. Fake body, fake nails, fake face, fake arm (😂) you name it. Skinny as a stick. Thinks her and brent are married. Stupid. Gets in between jasmine and brent when they start getting closer. Brent only uses her as a one night stand. Has a bad life style. Enemies with jasmine and lilliana.

A/N :-?/!/)/)/$.$.!£_!\£\€.€\€£\£

There are many more characters but I'll introduce them to you later in the story:):
I already have chapter one written out and all. I will maybe upload tonight which I'm not positive i will because it's a lot but maybe tommorow for sure.

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