Chapter 1

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Damon Salvatore walked into familiar setting of the Mystic Grill. He glanced around, unconsciously searching for the familiar face of Elena Gilbert. When he didn't see her, he frowned. He stalked up to the bar, plopping down on his favorite stool, ordered his favorite whiskey, and assumed his usual activity. Reminiscing about the days when he wasn't in love with his brother's girl. He glanced down into the tumbler of amber liquid, then tossed it back. He sighed and signaled the bartender for another.

"Still drinking alone brother?" A musical voice chimed in amusement.

Damon turned around to reply and froze in shock. There in front of him stood his little sister. He stared at her, drinking in her familiar features. Curly black hair, soft brown eyes, and smooth pale skin. He studied her for a minute longer, still unable to move.

"Well are you going to hug me or not?" She questioned smirking.

He hesitated, then scooped her up in a tight hug, kissing her cheek. Adelaide laughed and threw her arms around him, giggling as he whirled her around.

"Damon?" said a confused voice behind the happy siblings.

He abruptly set his little sister down, slinging his arm around her shoulders. Elena Gilbert stood in front of the two, not knowing what to make of Damon Salvatore with a beaming grin on his face. She eyed Adelaide, slightly jealous of the beautiful girl under Damon's arm. She jumped in suprise when the raven-haired beauty stepped in front of her and placed a soft hand on her cheek.

"Human?" She questioned with a small smile.

Elena nodded carefully, still unaware of who this mysterious and quirky girl was.

"I'm Adelaide." she spoke up "And I'm a vamp, but I promise to never hurt you." she said seriously.

"Thank you." Elena said awkwardly. "So Damon" she continued "I've determined Stefan to be located somewhere around Georgia. I'm waiting on some news from Sheriff Forbes, and then hopefully I can find him and bring him home."

"Stefan's in ripper stage again?" Adelaide asked anxiously.

"Yep. Full-blown. Parading around the countryside with the big bad monster himself." Damon said mockingly.

"Don't tease, Damon." Adelaide scolded in a reprimanding tone. Then she turned to Elena. "Honestly. I love Steffie, but he needs to address his issues. He can't be a ripper forever. It's just not healthy." she said worriedly.

Elena looked at her blankly. She loved both brothers? Was she some kind of sweet Katherine? Elena decided not to trust this girl until she knew more about her.

"I'll leave you ladies to the evil vampire-tracking. I've got a date." Damon said winking.

Adelaide gave Elena a friendly smile. Elena paused, but returned it. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Elena decided to break it.

"So have you dated both Damon and Stefan?" Elena asked coldly.

Adelaide cracked a smile. "Elena. Do you know what my last name is?" she asked.

"" Elena said blankly.

"That explains it then. I can't say I'm surprised they didn't mention me. I didn't leave on the best of terms." Adelaide said thoughtfully. "Anyway my last name is Salvatore. I'm Stefan's twin and Damon's little sister.

Elena felt a weight lift off her shoulders. She gave Adelaide a genuine smile.

"I'm kind of in love with Stefan." Elena said shyly.

Adelaide felt a bloom of happiness in her chest, her twin deserved happiness. Most of his existence had been filled with darkness, and he deserved some light. She reached across the table of the booth they sat at and grabbed Elena's warm hand in her own cool one.

"We might be sisters someday!" she said enthusiastically.

"Adelaide" Elena scolded flushing "I'm still in high school!"

"Oh please. Call me Addie. Much more friendly. And I didn't mean now. Later, when you've been a vampire for a few years." Adelaide said smiling sweetly. "I can plan your wedding!" she added excitedly.

Elena's smile faded and she looked down.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to be a vampire?" Addie asked Elena curiously.

Elena shook her head slowly.

"Well no offense...but I don't think you'll be exactly comfortable when you have grey hair and wrinkles and he looks like a 17-year old. Take it from someone who knows." The Salvatore sister said sadly.

Elena squeezed Addie's hand affectionately. She was suprised at quickly she had become attached to The girl, having only known her for a few hours. Suddenly, Elena's phone went off.

"Give the phone to Adelaide, Elena." Damon commanded.

Elena scowled, but obeyed.

"Sorry who is this?" Adelaide teased casually. She had heard him perfectly well with her super-advanced hearing, and Damon knew it.

"Nice try little sister. I have news" Damon announced dryly.

"You're pregnant? Just kidding. Good or bad?" She asked curiously.

"Tone it down Sass-master. I'm still your elder." He retorted "And I suppose both."

"Elder my arse. What is this news?" Adelaide asked with a snap in her voice.

"I found our brother" he said smugly.

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