Chapter 2

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* Adelaide's P.O.V. *

"Are you going to go look for him?" I asked anxiously.

Damon snorted in response.

"Of course I am. That's why I called. I need you to do something for me while I'm gone."

"And that would be?" I questioned raising my eyebrows.

"I need you to keep an eye on Elena for a few days." He said flatly.

"She is not a child Damon!" I hissed.

Elena looked at me, startled at my tone.

"Just do it." He said irritably.

"What I am supposed to do? Lock her up in a cage and keep her in the dark? Pretty sure that's not going to work." I said warningly.

I could sense him rolling his eyes.

"Oh please, it'll be like a sleepover. Braid each others hair, tell ghost stories, have pillow fights in your underwear." He said lazily.

"You're an idiot Damon Francesco Salvatore." I sighed.

"Don't use my full name, Addie. She's not safe. Not with Klaus after her. Do it for Stefan and I." Damon pleaded.

I sighed again. "Fine." I groaned in defeat "I will keep an eye on her."

"Thank you." He said in relief "I'll call you later little sister, I love you."

"Love you too. Oh and Damon? Where exactly are you going to be going?" I asked.

"Well little sister I am going to the lovely town of-" Damon cut off suddenly.

"He hung up." I mumbled irritably to myself.

"What was that all about?" Elena asked in confusion.

I took a deep breath.

"It's my job to look after you for a few days." I said calmly.

She frowned.

"Look after me?" She repeated.

"It's only for a few days." I informed her soothingly.

"I can take care of myself." She snapped.

"Can you?" I asked raising my eyebrows and narrowing my eyes.

She blinked. "You look like Damon when you do that. And I should at least be able to go with him." She said furiously.

I grinned. "You should see my brooding face. Identical to to Stefan's." My expression turned serious. "And trust me Elena, in the state he's in right now, you don't want to see him. It's awful."

She sighed. "I guess this will give us some time to get to know each other. And you can meet my brother." She smiled "He'll like you."

A smile spread across my face.

"I can't wait." I told her.


*Still Addie's P.O.V.*

"Well this is home!" Elena said cheerfully. I sensed a certain pain behind her voice, but didn't question it.

She stepped into her house, tossing her bag absentmindedly away.

"Er.....Elena? I kind of needed to be invited in..." I said awkwardly.

"Oh my God! I completely forgot!" She gasped "Come on in."

"Thank you." I said smiling pleasantly. We walked into the kitchen and leaned on the counter.

"Jer! Come down here!" Elena bellowed.

I heard a groan and the creaking of bed springs. A tall, broad, figure appeared at the top of the stairs and slowly clomped down.

"Addie, this is my little brother Jeremy. Jeremy, this is Adelaide Salvatore."

"Hello Jeremy. Nice to meet you. Call me Addie."

"Hey Addie. You look like Stefan." Jeremy said plainly.

"He is my twin" I said smiling "Thanks for noticing."

"Sure thing. So have you come here to stay or are you just staying for a little while?" He asked looking at me intrigued.

I smiled breezily. "Just for a while I think."

Elena looked at me curiously. "Don't you want to stay at the boarding house, Addie? That's where your family is. Or at least part of it..." She trailed off awkwardly.

I smiled at her sadly. "I do not usually stay in one place for too long El. It is not my style."

Jeremy looked at me intently. "What is your style Addie?

"It depends." I said shrugging. "I'm a very diverse person."

"I think I can tell." Jeremy said giving me a lopsided smile.

"So can I!" Elena agreed.

I grabbed her hand and swung it around.

"I can tell why my brothers are so taken with you, sweet Elena. You're immensely kind." I giggled.

She blushed. "You're so charming, Adelaide. I wish I had your boldness."

"I've always thought I picked up some of the Petrova fire from Katherine." I explained "Besides my bracelet, it was the only thing she left me with." I gestured to the scale-patterned bracelet that coiled about halfway up my arm.

"It's beautiful" Elena complimented "But I didn't realize you were so close with Katherine..."

"Oh yes. She was a dear friend." I sighed. "Of course she's different now. But she still has a good heart. Just buried underneath many layers of hurt, betrayal, and fear. Poor Kitty." I said sadly.

"I never thought of it that way." Jeremy said looking uncomfortable.

"Me either. But I still think she's evil." Elena spoke up.

"Well I'm off to The Grill!" Jeremy said briskly "Later Elena. Adelaide." He said "Nice to meet you."

"You too Jer." I said smiling.

He chuckled, grabbed a black bag, and left.

"Well Elena, you're going to be stuck with me for awhile. Why don't you call your friends and invite them over? I'll make a pizza and we can watch movies and do makeovers and-"

"Whoa Addie! Take a breath!" Elena said laughing "That actually sounds great. I'll call Bonnie and Care. Do you need anything for the pizza?"

I smiled broadly. "Don't worry about it. Let me know when they arrive though. I love meeting new people."

She smiled at me. "You're so charming!"

I grinned wickedly. "Must be in the Salvatore genes."

Elena laughed out loud. "Must be!" she giggled.


*Elena's P.O.V.*

"Yes Caroline, I'm sure you'll like her."

I tried to soothe my crazy blonde best friend over the phone.

"Are you positive? if she's anything like Damon I definitely won't!"

"She's almost a mix actually. Good-humored and protective like Damon. Sweet and intelligent like Stefan. She does have some of her qualities too." I said thoughtfully.

"And how long have you known this girl?"

"Just a few hours. But I have a really good judge on character!" I retorted defensively.

"Elena, please. You're dating a freakin vampire. Your best friend is also a vampire, who is dating a werewolf. And your other best friend is a witch! You're a terrible judge on character!" Caroline retorted hysterically.

I rolled my eyes. "Just pick up Bonnie and come over here please Care!"

I heard her huff. "Fine! But only because of the pizza!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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